📝正在回复 #1043545
jvk2iOze 2023-07-21 07:38:07
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👀 1
RX7ohS91 2023-09-03 20:44:19
[ `д´]7hero!
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:44:27
感觉有人会喜欢最后一篇[ ゚∀。]
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:45:21
[ ゚q。]σ你也给我做饭!
RX7ohS91 2023-09-03 20:46:08
[ ゚3。]还没玩呢
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:46:35
[ ゚∀。]大意了
RX7ohS91 2023-09-03 20:50:32
ᕕ[ ゚∀。]ᕗ只要我不跳坑,我就不会饿!
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:51:14
啊好像忘记说了[ ゚∀。]在ao3
说起来英文同人站不知道f站现在还怎么样[ ゚∀。]印象里隐约记得是那种比较古早的同人站,我在冷圈dgm的超冷骨科cp都在那边找到好几篇很早的饭吃,现在流行的圈子不知道那边还有没有饭
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:52:03
[ ゚∀。]路过蹭口饭又不饿又吃着
RX7ohS91 2023-09-03 20:53:01
[ ゚∀。]🥣是啊这就是我现在在干的嘛

[ 。∀Q]快做饭!
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 20:55:00
[ ゚∀。]等我做完作业.jpg
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-03 21:20:03
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:12:04
His breathing is harsh and labored, eyes glazed over and pupils blown wide.

It just make me hard()
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:12:56
感谢这两天高强度的dol[ ゚∀。]现在吃英文饭的流畅度真是前所未有……看完之后脑子里回忆起来的已经是自动中译了
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:15:28
He doesn’t say anything else as you wipe the cum from his face. Deciding Whitney is sufficiently clean, you stop. “Say ‘thank you.’”

Whitney’s eyes snap to your’s and he sneers. “Fuck yo-”

Whitney gags as you shove the now cum soaked underwear into his mouth and slap the tape back into place.

“Well, can’t say I didn’t give you a chance. See you after class!” You give Whitney a sharp slap to his ass as you exit his stall.
[ ゚∀。]just what i want, perfect()
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:17:29
“Fuck you,” Whitney finally manages to spit out, voice weak and rough. Almost a performance, really. A desperate attempt to cling to what he knows.

jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:25:54
just love it when you push him to the limit()breaking down and sobbing, after succumbing for once and he will break into tears begging you, no more resistance
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:27:59
在他还残留着一点抵抗的时候手上用点力,最后的那点抵抗就彻底碎掉了,break into tears and beg you over and over,就算松手也是…
[ ゚∀。]罪母竟是我自己aaaaaaa
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:30:43
草,群里提到那个df作画错误[ ゚∀。]辉一已经死了的时间点,大家举起暴龙机一起进化的画面里还有一只辉一的手

[ ゚∀。]aaaaaaaaa
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 00:52:29
but still want some dismissing……[ ゚∀。]some real brutal, like ******* insert or ********, there are already many beasts why can't **** W ***********
jvk2iOze Po 2023-09-04 08:53:37
做了一晚上的混乱又奇怪的梦[ ゚∀。]
为 #654 送出表情
👍 赞!
👎 这不好
😆 欢乐
🎉 烟花
😕 嗯...
💗 爱心
🐱 喵喵喵
🐭 鼠鼠我呀
🐷 猪头
🐶 我是狗?
😱 吓死了
👀 就看看
🤡 小丑
🀄 太中咧!
🤣 笑哭
😅 这...
😫 痛苦面具
😭 我哭死
😋 我吃吃吃
🦪 牡蛎哟牡蛎
🈁 ko↓ko↑
🤔 嗯?
🤤 发癫
🥺 求你了
🦸 你是英雄
🍾 开香槟咯
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