Magic Certainly
想看ts live除了是因为想亲眼看看我船之外还有一个重要的原因是现场表现力太好了...单是看录像都能体会到那种震撼的程度,intro和outro的设计,纹理清晰而漂亮的合成器,还有梦一样的灯光......我操,好嫉妒......我也要看...........
最近的巡演开场还有Robert Stillman的exprimental jazz作为intro.........好想亲身体验......受不了了
Skating on the Surface
11/8 and a bit of 10/8 when the drums stop.
The Smoke
Verse riff alternates between a 4/4 and a 3/4 over 4/4 polymeter.
You Will Never Work in Television Again
Very weird 4/4
7/8 intro and chorus
Verses alternate bars of 4/4 and 3/4
You could count the chorus the same as the verses but I don’t think the players do.
Just Eyes and Mouth
4/4. Sick drum beat.
We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings
4/4 with syncopated 1. Cool key change in the chorus (?)
Thin Thing
"Just when you thought it might get easier" says Thom, lol. Yeah this one’s a doozy. Still not 100% certain. I counted:
Really weird 6/8, easier to count to 12/8
Loud bits are an easier 6/8
Quick 4/4 bit at 1:40
Last bit feels like 6/8 again.
Waving A White Flag: 11/8,reference: r/radiohead, Lets get all the time signatures from the new album sorted out
11/8 and a bit of 10/8 when the drums stop.
The Smoke
Verse riff alternates between a 4/4 and a 3/4 over 4/4 polymeter.
You Will Never Work in Television Again
Very weird 4/4
7/8 intro and chorus
Verses alternate bars of 4/4 and 3/4
You could count the chorus the same as the verses but I don’t think the players do.
Just Eyes and Mouth
4/4. Sick drum beat.
We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings
4/4 with syncopated 1. Cool key change in the chorus (?)
Thin Thing
"Just when you thought it might get easier" says Thom, lol. Yeah this one’s a doozy. Still not 100% certain. I counted:
Really weird 6/8, easier to count to 12/8
Loud bits are an easier 6/8
Quick 4/4 bit at 1:40
Last bit feels like 6/8 again.
Waving A White Flag: 11/8,reference: r/radiohead, Lets get all the time signatures from the new album sorted out
the opposite真是4/4拍吗...是的话岂不是和videotape对仗了,听起来像4/4拍的怪拍子和听起来像怪拍子的4/4拍ry
又听了一遍teleharmonic,感觉鼓的模式似乎和15 steps差不多
面色平静地看完个龟苓膏剪辑,发现这破船好像有点创不到我了,现在对我杀伤力最大的可能是eob的i was his older brother but not anymore