📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-02 01:35:57
我怎么气哭了,哈 哈 哈
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-02 01:38:38
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-02 11:18:23
Viper 居然是安教黑色圣者...还能更儿戏一些么,北边就这样敷衍了?
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-02 11:20:33
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-02 12:31:10
Vir Adahlen,” Strife said, and grinned, his teeth flashing white in the moonlight. “Way of the Woods. Receive the gifts of the hunt with mindfulness. Normally that means the food you catch and eat. In this case, the gift of the hunt is me knowing about this little hill.”
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-03 00:55:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-03 00:56:27
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-03 18:01:01
“The Mortalitasi believe that when someone dies, an inhuman spirit is pushed out from the Fade into our world.” Myrna waved a gloved hand at the panorama of the Grand Necropolis, whose upper levels could be seen past the gates, quarried into the stone. “In exchange, we invite those inhuman spirits to house themselves in the empty bodies left behind. Correct?”
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-03 18:03:01
Less well known is that if a more vigorous spirit claims a corpse, it may become emmeshed in that man or woman’s unfinished business. Whatever Lord Karn’s goal, it must be something that would disturb the Necropolis. Or it could lie within a part forbidden even to the dead.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-03 18:06:32
哀守还有亡灵马车,四代也不给玩家开开眼界A carriage rattled up. Audric gripped his spear. The horses were bare skeletons with coronas of sickly, surging green fire. The pair stamped as they drew up. Audric stepped back as a horse swung its bony head around, as if mimicking a living curiosity.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 00:28:46
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 00:35:33
@64 = ~It sounds so beautiful, Kivan. As for the sadness I hear in your voice - I have a name for it: nostalgia. You are homesick, that's all.~
@65 = ~I do not miss the place, <CHARNAME>. However, I do miss those whose shadows still linger there. My Deheriana, my brothers, my father... You have your own ghosts, though, <CHARNAME>, and you have no need to meet with mine.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 01:53:07
American Kestrel vs Peregrine Falcon (How Do They Differ?)
In some ways, the American kestrel looks similar to the Peregrine falcon; they have similarly shaped bodies, long wings and tails, and lighter coloration on their underside. Still, vast differences make these two birds easy
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 02:02:45
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 02:04:29
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 02:14:16
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-04 02:19:34
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-05 01:57:06
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-06 16:57:55
XieiFwAC Po 2024-12-06 17:59:58
2 (2~3)
为 #654 送出表情
👍 赞!
👎 这不好
😆 欢乐
🎉 烟花
😕 嗯...
💗 爱心
🐱 喵喵喵
🐭 鼠鼠我呀
🐷 猪头
🐶 我是狗?
😱 吓死了
👀 就看看
🤡 小丑
🀄 太中咧!
🤣 笑哭
😅 这...
😫 痛苦面具
😭 我哭死
😋 我吃吃吃
🦪 牡蛎哟牡蛎
🈁 ko↓ko↑
🤔 嗯?
🤤 发癫
🥺 求你了
🦸 你是英雄
🍾 开香槟咯
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