📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-25 23:09:11
因为即使在poe 木精灵有限的寿命内完成解散/追猎/铲除彻底灰钥,依然有需要警惕的来自其他kith登神的野心,英格维仙遗迹在短时间内非自然地暴露必然祸乱不尽,那么aloth如何承担这样可怖的责任,介于其个性他又必然揽过罪责,但是如何补救或是提前回避这种后果?无法可想。

<DefaultText>"No. If you didn't try at all, you'd be responsible for the harm the Leaden Key continues doing."

回复 <ID>57</ID>
<DefaultText>"I suppose that's true. It's an intimidating thought, but a heartening one, too."

但是这和quest 1 不一样,简单的等同是行不通的……<ID>104</ID>
<DefaultText>"I had to do something, didn't I?" He turns to you with wide, anguished eyes.

He pauses again, untwisting the sash at his lap.</DefaultText>
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-25 23:16:32
并不是因恐惧风险而畏怯,只是终于抓住核心,所以那句"It seems I've been as misguided as Thaos ever was." 是对的。
impose our own order or vision upon it.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-25 23:28:20
对上电波了…真的…aloth考虑得很多,思维也跳跃,太合胃口了,再没有这样的法师……其实很有主见,但始终谦卑"Whatever my faults, a lack of self-awareness is not among them."

XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-25 23:58:17
<DefaultText>"Perhaps not, but I suppose we'll never know what would have happened without Thaos' meddling."</DefaultText>

回归poe1 act3
He looks back at you out of the corners of his eyes. "I've also been thinking. There won't be much left of Thaos by the time you're done with him... if I know how you operate." One side of his mouth twitches in a grin.

"That will leave the Leaden Key headless. Perhaps it's best it stays that way."

正如彼时这句激励了watcher坚定释放的本意,即使要对贝拉斯反悔。He looks back at the pillar. "But even if you send the souls somewhere specific now, who knows what the next turn of the Wheel will make of them? We can't really control what happens to them, [Player Name]. Nor should we try. I had to see the monster Thaos had become to realize that."</DefaultText>

XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:29:15

<DefaultText>"You must be tired of them teasing you."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Sounds like you're jealous of their relationship."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I hardly care what those two rubes think." He frowns and falls into a defensive silence.

Yet his twitching mouth and fidgeting fingers show the cracks in his facade. </DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"It's just... there's something about it that brings me back to our time in the Dyrwood."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"But I've changed, even if Edér hasn't."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Of them?! You must be joking." He scowls and falls into a defensive silence.

Yet his twitching mouth and fidgeting fingers show the cracks in his facade. </DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I'm loath to admit it, but yes."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />

<DefaultText>"If matters were... otherwise, I could see a lass like me with a right-fine lad like yerself." Iselmyr's smile turns bittersweet.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Always thought you were special, too. Shame you're stuck where you are."

A quiet moment lingers between them.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Gets a lass to wonderin'... aw, fye and coxfithers, pay me no heed."

Iselmyr turns away, eyes cast down.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Hey. You can ask me."

He touches the back of one of Aloth's hands in reassurance.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I've wondered whit it might feel to have yer arms 'twining me. Yer lips on mine." Aloth's ears redden.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Uh... huh. Didn't think you meant-

"Wouldn't Aloth mind?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Ye dinnae conne him as I do. Poor lad has a kind, trusting heart. He wants that I should be happy."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"If that's- if that's how he feels... I want you to be happy, too."

He touches the outside of Aloth's hand again.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's fingers spread and slide into place between Edér's. With Aloth's other hand, Iselmyr reaches up and runs his fingers down Edér's cheek, stepping closer as she does so.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Suddenly, Aloth's eyes fly open.

Iselmyr is not behind them.

He jumps back, shoving Edér away.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"What &lt;i&gt;exactly&lt;/i&gt; are you doing?" Shock and indignation color his face.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Who else would I be, you idiot?!"

Just then, Iselmyr's cackle erupts from his throat.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Ooh, yer face, Edér! Only thing finer'n seeing it is feeling this lad's ire!" She laughs even harder.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Fye, whit's that I feel? Might it be a kindlin' where-"

Iselmyr's laughs dissolve into a coughing fit from which Aloth finally emerges, furious and red-faced.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I think we can all agree to forget that ever happened." He folds his arms and doesn't meet your eye or Edér's.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />


<DefaultText>"'Tisn't always easy, being stuck in this one's bonebag. Nothing and no one to meself."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Edér's expression is tense but compassionate. Iselmyr looks up at him softly with Aloth's eyes, and then closes them. His lips pucker in invitation.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Another sharp breath, this time through his nose.

He finds Aloth's waist with his hands and draws Iselmyr in close. He leans in, his lips open and softened.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Edér exhales forcefully as though to banish his nerves. He leans in towards his friend's face, backs off. He does the same again.

At last it occurs to him to close his eyes first.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />

<DefaultText>"Grown? Aloth? How? He still does that thing with his hands. He still, you know..." Edér scratches at his beard, the strain of thought scrunching his face to a degree that looks painful.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Although I guess he set about taking apart the Leaden Key. Can't see Old Aloth doing something like that."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />


哎,所以这些有可能是废案么,完全不知道具体的触发条件 ,也不想知道。

XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:36:49
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:39:00
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:46:58
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:55:38
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 00:58:01

XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 01:12:02
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 01:32:50
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-26 21:42:38
<DefaultText>"Because it sounds to me like you're saying these spirits, while of one soul, are all unique minds, and deserving of being treated as such."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Do you believe the same is true of Iselmyr, then? That although we share one soul, we are of two distinct identities?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Then we're agreed. What else is there?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Pardon me, are you speaking from experience?" Arms folded, Aloth cuts a cold glance in your direction.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Aye, you thinkin you conne whit is 't to be a pair o' minds fechtin for ane body?"

Aloth's expression briefly twists into a fierce snarl before smoothing back into his usual dispassionate half-frown.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Iselmyr and I may share a soul - and &lt;i&gt;my&lt;/i&gt; body - but we are each of us our own person. I have not lived her life, and she has not lived mine. We are &lt;i&gt;not&lt;/i&gt; the same."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"If I take this idea to its conclusion, then it would appear I am meant to understand that you believe Iselmyr was as equally entitled to &lt;i&gt;my&lt;/i&gt; body as I am."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"The Faces' situation isn't identical to yours."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Shut up, Aloth."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"&lt;i&gt;I&lt;/i&gt; know that. I wanted to be certain you did, as well." Aloth turns away with a weary sigh.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I would certainly hope not." Aloth turns away, his mouth set in a thin, bloodless line.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Gladly, if it means an end to this pointless conversation."

He abruptly turns his back on you and says no more.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I am glad to have provided you two the opportunity to work this out."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"You're right, I think you made the wrong choice. Iselmyr is her own person, entitled to her own life."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"You- you were the one who encouraged me to assert dominance over her in the first place! How can you- agh!"

Near to frothing with barely contained frustration, Aloth throws his hands up and turns away.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"As you wish."

He abruptly turns his back on you and says no more.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"[Player Name], I- How can you say that? I thought we- But you &lt;i&gt;told&lt;/i&gt; me-" He breaks off, his voice shaking, and turns away.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I can't think about this right now. We have more important business to attend to, in any case."</D
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 04:24:57
%AppData%/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/UserData
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 21:37:02


XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 21:42:30
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 21:43:46
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 21:52:27
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 21:54:58
XieiFwAC Po 2024-02-27 22:02:37
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