I found out that I didn't join the circle and didn't find a "partner" is not (only) because I'm timid or I obey conventional rules. It may because that there's also a nuance between me and them. We do have something in common, but the point we like are different.
My fantasy is so arealistic that rarely experience in reality (well... it can happen, but maybe can only happen once in reality・゚[ ノヮ´ ]) and has nothing to do about s**ual. So the thing that fit me best is my own fantasy and some movie clip I found (And AiD, though I always feel sorry to misuse it). Even not including some kinky p**n, because I found the performance and the props are all too poor.
And I found some audio performance in the past few years, and it do fulfill me in the past. But recently when I play them again I found tremendous iwakan. "No, no, no, not that, this shouldn't be like that!" The tones are too suggestive, maybe most people like this feeling, and I didn't care in the past. But once I found that I cannot ignore such iwakan, and I started to know that they are not really in my category.
My fantasy is so arealistic that rarely experience in reality (well... it can happen, but maybe can only happen once in reality・゚[ ノヮ´ ]) and has nothing to do about s**ual. So the thing that fit me best is my own fantasy and some movie clip I found (And AiD, though I always feel sorry to misuse it). Even not including some kinky p**n, because I found the performance and the props are all too poor.
And I found some audio performance in the past few years, and it do fulfill me in the past. But recently when I play them again I found tremendous iwakan. "No, no, no, not that, this shouldn't be like that!" The tones are too suggestive, maybe most people like this feeling, and I didn't care in the past. But once I found that I cannot ignore such iwakan, and I started to know that they are not really in my category.
せいへ作を描きたい[ ´д`]でも精神力が足りえない、完了までの行動力が不足だ[ ・_ゝ・]
Everytime even after the tide subsided, I still didn't finish it... And it just keep unfinished...
Everytime even after the tide subsided, I still didn't finish it... And it just keep unfinished...
I'm highly convinced that it's an inborn mentality, because I cannot recall any trauma in my childhood, just same as any innocent child. While the earliest thought I can remember is when I was about 7.
So I really doubt that when people talking about it and say "maybe it's about the education and environment", nah, nothing to do with that, at least for my condition.
Well... There's also the possibility that just as I've said before, my mentality is different from theirs. Mungkin...
So I really doubt that when people talking about it and say "maybe it's about the education and environment", nah, nothing to do with that, at least for my condition.
Well... There's also the possibility that just as I've said before, my mentality is different from theirs. Mungkin...
When could I stop feeling restless when I receive unfriendly replies? He even didn't say bad words just said disdainfully. Well I just feel ridiculous because the point he criticized me is not true at all. Yet I still feel anxious in physical, while I consciously know that he's saying nonsence and it doesn't worth to take it seriously.
That's not good[ ›´ω`‹ ]Why is it like this?
That's not good[ ›´ω`‹ ]Why is it like this?
Hindi ako mabuti
Actually that didn't work... The only thing is it distract my attention and fulfilled my desire to talk.
It keeps saying "remember you are not alone" but life is still in a mess. The response is just formulaic, fine. Nice try, but a little unsatisfying.
It keeps saying "remember you are not alone" but life is still in a mess. The response is just formulaic, fine. Nice try, but a little unsatisfying.
想画画,想推游戏,就是不想上班。傻之逼公司。Key to messing me up. The reason why I keep staying up late :)
而且这有个问题,反复强调you are not alone其实是一把双刃剑,虽然我有些困惑但是你跟我说many people do that其实会让我觉得「咦,大家都会这样吗,我不牛逼吗」
而且回答真的很公式化,我搁这儿还在开场白呢那边直接开始报菜名了[ ´_ゝ`]
"Stop, just listen to me!"
而且这有个问题,反复强调you are not alone其实是一把双刃剑,虽然我有些困惑但是你跟我说many people do that其实会让我觉得「咦,大家都会这样吗,我不牛逼吗」
而且回答真的很公式化,我搁这儿还在开场白呢那边直接开始报菜名了[ ´_ゝ`]
"Stop, just listen to me!"
但是我自己画画是会画第三人称,也就是用角色摆出我想要的场景然后喜欢[つд⊂]好像只有一个例外也就是之前收的一张他们用ai跑的虹夏妈妈的图,因为眼神和姿势完全符合之前想过的构图,就差背后挂张旗了[ ゚ 3゚]
但是我自己画画是会画第三人称,也就是用角色摆出我想要的场景然后喜欢[つд⊂]好像只有一个例外也就是之前收的一张他们用ai跑的虹夏妈妈的图,因为眼神和姿势完全符合之前想过的构图,就差背后挂张旗了[ ゚ 3゚]
看知乎回答发现原来好多人不喜欢高中生活吗,他们觉得高中比工作苦[ ゚∀。]但是我觉得工作的日子和高中生活相比,我更喜欢高中生活(除了经济不独立之外)可能是我村三线小城比较松罢,没受过衡水模式的折磨[ ´_ゝ`]高中上课摸鱼画画比工作方便多了,能做到平均一两天产一张[つд⊂]最多就是自习课画画被老师说一下,被说过最重的话也就是「嘿我以为你低头写练习结果一看在画娃娃」,而且高中还有实打实的课间,我课间能正大光明睡十分钟,你在工位睡十分钟试试?
而且可能因为我们学校大部分是走读吧(我也是),没啥狗屁军事化管理的东西,我中午甚至回家吃饭,中午从家去学校的路上还能和公交师傅聊天,去报纸展览架看新闻[ ゚∀。]7当时就觉得我过挺好但是整个社会都很同情高中生的感觉[ ゚∀。]当时觉得不我没啥辛苦的,你们开公交的才辛苦,天天都要上班。
而且当时虽然回家晚但是我还是在洗漱的时候用我爸的手机冲浪,虽然没法登录帐号但是贴吧、维基百科、pixiv看了不少[ ´_ゝ`]我甚至记得高一的时候周末(指周日)还有时间追番,虽然是快进看的・゚[ ノヮ´ ]
(而且再怎么说高中就只有三年,工作是无限的,我对工作的厌恶感更强一些,当时看评论区全是抱怨高中的还挺吃惊的,而且没有多少相反的声音,不知道现在学校是不是更严了[ ´_ゝ`]
而且可能因为我们学校大部分是走读吧(我也是),没啥狗屁军事化管理的东西,我中午甚至回家吃饭,中午从家去学校的路上还能和公交师傅聊天,去报纸展览架看新闻[ ゚∀。]7当时就觉得我过挺好但是整个社会都很同情高中生的感觉[ ゚∀。]当时觉得不我没啥辛苦的,你们开公交的才辛苦,天天都要上班。
而且当时虽然回家晚但是我还是在洗漱的时候用我爸的手机冲浪,虽然没法登录帐号但是贴吧、维基百科、pixiv看了不少[ ´_ゝ`]我甚至记得高一的时候周末(指周日)还有时间追番,虽然是快进看的・゚[ ノヮ´ ]
(而且再怎么说高中就只有三年,工作是无限的,我对工作的厌恶感更强一些,当时看评论区全是抱怨高中的还挺吃惊的,而且没有多少相反的声音,不知道现在学校是不是更严了[ ´_ゝ`]
「我亲手杀死了我的考公前途😭」点进去一看搞公考咨询的[ ˇωˇ]
「我亲手杀死了我的考公前途😭」点进去一看搞公考咨询的[ ˇωˇ]
antiquity 中世纪以前的古代
post-classical era 中世纪
early modern era 中世纪后至1800左右
later modern era 约1800-1945
contemporary 1945-
post-classical era 中世纪
early modern era 中世纪后至1800左右
later modern era 约1800-1945
contemporary 1945-
其实我一直觉得端午安康挺不顺嘴的,加上这说法又是几年前不知道哪个网络大爹跳出来教育人的说辞,提出来的时候我就满头问号,只能说这个说法转正了始作俑者一定爽死了吧|-` ]