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XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 01:16:02

XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 01:17:41
Firstly, and most importantly: Deheriana's resurection is an evil descision. I have added some dialogue to make it clearer in the latest versions. Kivan is in the wrong, and he does what he does out of fear. The question is, could he, for once be simply lucky, the luxury he never had before, always recieving the double-edged gifts? My answer is, he can, and the randomness of luck is represented by him having a friend in the adventuring party who just can reach Deheriana, when Kivan himself fails.
Secondly: Restoring Deheriana is not a spell-casting kind of action (unlike her ressurection). It's simple emotional warmth directed by a stranger at Kivan and herself that tips the scale.
Why Cernd and Aerie?
I was looking for chracters with a) strong healing (not spell-casting power, but character feel) b) non-judgemental and c) warm to Kivan personally. Aerie is my strongest candidate, due to her story of healing a child she does not know anything about, her heart's goodness remaining unchanged, non-embittered while exposed to cruelty. She also immediately recognizes Kivan as an elder-brother type figure, and their relationship is quite cordial. Cernd is a character whose very warm potential was imo never explored in the game, and I thought it to be an ideal chance for him to show his quality. Another important thing for me was his backstory, where he leaves his wife and it results in her death. This imo will enable him to understand and not berate Kivan's efforts to not let go of his loved one. And, Kivan and Cernd form a good solid friendship.
Why not Jaheira?
The strongest reason of them all is that every time Jaheira faces with the ressurection and restoration - both in Khalid's and Sarevok's cases - she is adamantly against it. While she makes an effort, when Deheriana is ressurected, to see if there is anything there left of the living woman, she does not continue, because there is too much in her that is against it. Also, this will be putting Jaheira in a terrible situation, again, regarding Khalid. i don't think it can be developped, without writing additional suit of talks for Jaheira, especially if Jaheira romances PC.
Why not Anomen?
He just don't get enough patience, enough understanding. He is young, rush and far from being infinetly kind. The game also suggests that Anomen is a racist, so the whole elven dilemma will imo irritate him - elves who whine about something weird while humans have to deal with real troubles, real evil etc.
Why not Viconia?
By one simple reason - she hates Kivan's guts, and I was to write her reaction it would have ended up as a negative one, that would have sent Deheriana back to hurt Kivan. My veiw of Viconia being extreme, clashing badly with the majority's view, and me not prepared to irritate Viconia's fans, I simply avoid writing anything Kivan-related for Viconia.
Is it obvious from the game?
Yes and no. Character's relationships with Kivan are relatively clearly defined, so I hope that both Aerie and Cernd come across as being on very friendly terms with Kivan, while Jaheira and Anomen both have tensions with him, and Viconia's visible restrain not to go for Kivan's throat is mutual and apparent. Does it need more manifesting than that? I think, not. The mod has endings for all occasions...
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 03:01:26
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 03:01:56
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 03:06:06
分享Amorphis的专辑《The Karelian Isthmus》:网页链接
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 03:09:03
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 03:24:55
iovara 在影中阳最后看到了吗,看到了。
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 04:10:58
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 04:13:58
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 23:18:55
:Kivan. Kivaaaan. I'll take ten, please. SoA part of the romance is such a torment to Charname, but at the same time incredibly enjoyable experience to the player.
If not for desperately wanting this guy in my BG2 I probably wouldn't be able to understand English half as good as I do now, so yay for educational value I guess?

:Kivan - absolute favorite. Well written and emotional. I agree with @SapphireIce101‌ about Deheriana, though. She comes in and Kivan ceases to be interesting. I mean, even if you're not playing the romance path, it suddenly seems like you've lost a friend. Side thought: I know the romance is not at the right place for the event to happen, but I always wonder how @Domi would have written Kivan being abducted by Bodhi. This "rescue your love from the enemy" bit I always enjoy.

XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 23:22:50
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 23:23:31
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-03 23:24:29
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 00:38:02
宣誓跳票了,・゚[ ノд`゚]
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 01:51:41
比刷许愿术sl回法术位更方便...无视地城地图限制,可以主动触发强制长休,藏在一级一级的tob pid里,齐冯啊齐冯。
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 01:52:37
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 01:57:08
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 02:01:24
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 02:05:44
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-04 02:13:05
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