📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 04:36:30
(cough) Maybe it's not the best time, but allow me to say that I've always been a great admirer of yours, Deheriana.
这个选项为什么和@8 = ~No-o-o-o! No-o-o-o!~触发的效果,得到的回复一样啊Domi!
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 04:37:21
. Oh, Seldarine, have mercy...
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 04:39:27
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 04:49:19
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 05:00:43
deh月精灵,默认职业战法牧,可是半精才能兼职F/M/C啊...对话提到mage,heal,high wis,m/c跑不了,lore全elvish,不像半精啊
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 05:01:56
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 05:03:13
while talking to Demin. Depending on the options you selected on install, Deheriana will be a Cleric-Mage-Fighter, an Enchanter, a Diviner or a Wild Mage. Her content will not be affected by her class selection.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 05:03:36
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 05:07:30
@0 = ~You have enchanted a simple amulet to ward off bad dreams.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 19:16:23
@78 = ~Woe to me! I used to like it so much, and now the accursed succubus stolen this last pleasure from the old elf.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 19:19:42
@72 = ~How are you going to kiss a mere mortal now, you, who kissed a succubus?~ [KIVAN130]
@74 = ~I don't think I will ever kiss you again. Why, you are but an elf!~
@75 = ~And lived to tell the tale! My stomach was all in knots, remembering all the stories....~
@76 = ~You are jealous! How cute!~
@77 = ~I… I… I do not remember any more what I wanted to say.~
@78 = ~Woe to me! I used to like it so much, and now the accursed succubus stolen this last pleasure from the old elf.~
@79 = ~I guess there are advantages to being a mere mortal. You can kiss me any time, and without fear.~
@80 = ~I am not jealous! I am… worried about how mingling with all these demons is affecting you, that is all.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-08 19:25:30
@216 = ~Yes, you're right. Even the flames of the fire died down to embers.~
@220 = ~Yes, they would make a wonderful bed.~
@221 = ~...if you were a potato...~
@222 = ~For a fire elemental?~
@223 = ~What?~
@224 = ~Did grief finally drive you to madness?~
@227 = ~(He looks wistfully at the embers.) This would make a fine bed.~
@229 = ~Look.~
@230 = ~(Kivan evens out the embers in the trove you dug for the camping fire. He throws a light blanket from his pack over the still glowing embers. The fabric should have caught on fire... but it does not.)~
@231 = ~(With a satisfied grin and stretch of a feline, Kivan settles himself on the blanket.)~
@232 = ~You look surprised, <CHARNAME>. Here, sit down, you will feel how comfortable it is against the chills of the night.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 01:21:31
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 01:23:16
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 02:18:02
@152 = ~Wise? Nay. Wise hearts are colder than the snows of Icewind Dale.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 02:20:50
Oh, the ruminations of the Candlekeep sages. But it is no good.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 02:23:14
@137 = ~You seek to win a contest of pride or bend me to your will.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 02:32:47
@420 = ~Shoo! Fly away, crows, fly away.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 23:39:03
16 (1~30)
afraid of the Dark (halfling, human only)→害怕黑暗(半身人,人类)
:在有光线的地方 +2感知;在黑暗处则 +2力量,-2敏捷,-2智力,-2意志
Agoraphobic (dwarf, gnome, halfling, human only) →恐旷症(矮人,侏儒,半身人,人类)
:在室内 +2智力;在室外则 +2力量,-2敏捷,-2意志
Apprenticed to a Blacksmith (all) →铁匠学徒(所有种族)
:+1 力量,+2 修理,-1 敏捷
Apprenticed to a Shopkeeper (all) →商店学徒(所有种族)
:-1 敏捷,+3 压价
Army Training (not half-ogre) →军队训练(除半食人魔外所有种族)
:+1 力量,+1 格斗和弓箭,-1 敏捷
Arsonist (gnome, half-orc, halfling, human) →纵火狂(侏儒,半兽人,半身人,人类)
:+20 爆破,-1 力量,-1 体质
Bandit (human, half-elf, half-orc only) →匪徒(人类,半精灵,半兽人)
:+2 火枪,优质左轮枪,50 发子弹, -1魅力,-400 金币
Barbarian (not elf, half-ogre) →野蛮人(除精灵,半食人魔外所有种族)
:+2 力量,+1 体质,+1 格斗,野蛮人盔甲,-1智力,-2 魅力,-2 压价,-300 金币
Beat with an Ugly Stick (all) →棍棒毁容者(所有种族)
:+2 力量,+2 敏捷,+1 所有战斗技能,-6 美貌
Bookworm (not half-ogre, half-orc) →书呆子(除半食人魔,半兽人外所有种族)
:+1 智力,-1 感知
Born Under a Sign (all) →在奇迹中降生(所有种族)
Bride of Frankenstein (half-orc, human female only) →科学怪人的新娘(半食人魔女性,人
:+4 美貌,+4 体质, +20% 电抗,+10 毒抗,-4 敏捷,-10火抗,说话迟钝,-400
Bully (not half-ogre or half-orc) →欺凌弱小者(除半食人魔和半兽人外所有种族)
:+1 力量,-1 智力
Charlatan’s Protégé (not half-orc, half-ogre) →吹牛者的学徒(除半兽人和半食人魔外所有
:+6 魅力,-2 力量,-2 体质,-1 所有战斗技能
Child of a Hero (all) →英雄之子(所有种族)
Clanless Dwarf (dwarf only) →没有部落的矮人(矮人)
Dark Elf Follower (elf only) →暗精灵追随者(精灵)
:+2 意志, -2 魅力
Dark Sight (all) →黑暗视觉(所有种族)
Day Mage (not dwarf) →白昼法师(除矮人外所有种族)
Debutante (female only) →初涉社交界的少女(女性)
:+3 美貌,+3 魅力,-1 力量,-1 敏捷,-2 所有战斗技能
Disenfranchised Gnome (gnome only) →被剥夺公民权的侏儒(侏儒)
:+1 力量,没有压价技能的奖励
Educator (all) →教育家(所有种族)
:可以训练队友,队友人数 -1
Elven Blood (half-ogre, halfling, human, gnome only) →精灵血统(半食人魔,半身人,人
:+5% 魔法倾向,-1 科学技能
Escaped Lunatic (human only) →逃脱的精神病人(人类)
:+25% 各项抗力,-25 反应,-400 金币
Extreme Personality (all) →极端个性者(所有种族)
Factory Escapee (half-orc only) →工厂逃离者(半兽人)
:+1 力量,-350 金币
Feral Child (not dwarf, elf, halfling) →野性未驯的孩子(除矮人,精灵,半身人外的种族)
:+3 敏捷,+1 潜行和偷窃,-6 智力,-1 压价和说服,-200金币
Foppish Elf (elf only) →纨绔的精灵(精灵)
:-1 敏捷,+1 感知
Frankenstein Monster (half-orc, human male only) →科学怪人(半兽人男性,人类男性)
:+4 力量,+4 体质,+30% 电抗,+20 毒抗,-6 敏捷,-20% 火抗,说话迟钝,-400
Freed Bodyguard (half-ogre only) →获得自由的保镖(半食人魔)
:-1 智力,+100 金币
Halfling Orphan (halfling only) →半身人孤儿(半身人)
:-1 智力,+2 偷窃
Hydrophobic (not elf, half-elf, half-ogre) →恐水症(除精灵,半精灵,半食人魔外的种族)
:离开水时 +2 感知;在水中时 +2 力量,-2 敏捷,-2智力, -2意志
Hyperactive (all) →多动症(所有种族)
:+1 敏捷,-1 魅力
Idiot Savant (not dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome) →天才白痴(除矮人,精灵,半身人,侏儒外的
:+6 智力,+3 to 赌博,-1 力量,-2 敏捷,-1体质,-2 意志,说话迟钝
Inheritance (all) →遗产继承人(所有种族)
:-1 意志,+400 金币
Lady’s Man (male only) →娘娘腔(男性)
:+6 美貌,-2 力量,-2 敏捷,-2 体质
Mad Doctor (all) →疯狂医生(所有种族)
:+2 智力,+2 感知,+20% 电抗,+20% 毒抗,+4 治疗,-1 美貌,-1 魅力,-2 敏
捷,-3 体质
Magic Allergy (not elf, half-elf) →魔法过敏者(除精灵,半精灵外所有种族)
:+10% 科技倾向,无法装备魔法物品
Miracle Operation (all) →神奇手术(所有种族)
:+5 感知,+3 智力,+3 魅力,-5 体质,-3 力量,-3 敏捷
Nature Mage (not dwarf) →自然法师(除矮人外所有种族)
Nietzsche Poster Child (all) →尼采提到的孩子(所有种族)
Night Mage (not dwarf) →黑夜法师(除矮人外所有种族)
:在夜晚 +20%魔法倾向,但在白天 -20%魔法倾向
Only Child (all) →独生子(所有种族)
:+6 意志,-4 魅力,-2 压价和说服
Professional Knife Tosser (all) →专业飞刀手(所有种族)
:-1 感知,+3 投掷
Raised by Elves (human only) →精灵抚养的孩子(人类)
Raised by Monks (all) →僧侣抚养的孩子(所有种族)
:+1 感知,-300 金币
Raised by Orcs (not dwarf, elf, half-elf) →兽人抚养的孩子(除矮人,精灵,半精灵外的种
:+2 力量,+2 感知,+1 所有战斗技能,-6 魅力
Raised by Snake Handlers (all) →弄蛇人抚养的孩子(所有种族)
:+20% 毒抗,-1 美貌
Raised in the Pits (all) →在竞技场长大的孩子(所有种族)
:+2 力量,+2 敏捷,+1 所有战斗技能,-6 智力,-300 金币
Ran Away with the Circus (all) →跟马戏团出走的孩子(所有种族)
:+6 力量,-2 智力,-3 意志,-1 感知
Rare Half-Ogre Birth (half-ogre only) →罕见的成功出生的半食人魔(半食人魔)
:+2 zhil ,-1 力量,-1 体质
Sent to Charm School (human female only) →礼仪学校学生(人类女性)
:+2 魅力,+1美貌,-2 力量,-1 智力
Sheltered Childhood (not dwarf, half-ogre) →童年被宠的人(除矮人,半食人魔外的所有种
:+2 智力,+2 意志,+1感知,-6 力量
Sickly (all) →体弱多病(所有种族)
:+6 智力,-2 力量,-4 体质,-1 敏捷
Sky Mage (not dwarf) →天空法师(除矮人外的所有种族)
:在能看见天空的地方 +20%魔法倾向,看不见的地方则 -20%魔法倾向
Sold Your Soul (all) →出卖灵魂的人(所有种族)
:+20% 魔法倾向,-20 反应,-20 阵营
Special Person (all) →特殊人物(所有种族)
:-2 智力,做好事时有反应奖励
Super Model (female only) →超级模特(女性)
:+6 美貌,-2 力量,-4 智力
Suppressed Orcish Looks (half-orc only) →退化的兽人特征(半兽人)
:+2 美貌,-2 魅力
Technophobia (half-elf, half-orc, halfling, human only) →科技恐惧症(半精灵,半兽人,半
:+1 力量,+1 体质,无法使用科技物品
Tomboy (female only) →假小子(女性)
:+1 力量,-1 体质
Tough Hide (half-ogre, half-orc only) →坚韧皮肤(半食人魔,半兽人)
:+10% 伤害抗力,-1 魅力
Troll Offspring (all) →巨魔的后代(所有种族)
:+2 力量,+2 体质,+1 敏捷,-4 美貌,-4 魅力
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-09 23:41:54
45 (16~62)
为 #654 送出表情
👍 赞!
👎 这不好
😆 欢乐
🎉 烟花
😕 嗯...
💗 爱心
🐱 喵喵喵
🐭 鼠鼠我呀
🐷 猪头
🐶 我是狗?
😱 吓死了
👀 就看看
🤡 小丑
🀄 太中咧!
🤣 笑哭
😅 这...
😫 痛苦面具
😭 我哭死
😋 我吃吃吃
🦪 牡蛎哟牡蛎
🈁 ko↓ko↑
🤔 嗯?
🤤 发癫
🥺 求你了
🦸 你是英雄
🍾 开香槟咯
送出该表情需要消耗 20 积分