一代边边角角的party banter
一代边边角角的party banter
生命与死亡Life and Death:
Life and Death:Demipowers share the ability to raise any previously living mortal being from the dead. They can do this at will no matter what the current condition of the body but must have either an avatar or a holy relic present in the location of the body to raise it.
生命与死亡Life and Death:
Life and Death:Demipowers share the ability to raise any previously living mortal being from the dead. They can do this at will no matter what the current condition of the body but must have either an avatar or a holy relic present in the location of the body to raise it.
Shevarash's Avatar
(游侠Ranger 25,牧师Cleric 18
化身果然不受凡人游牧的限制,black archer
(游侠Ranger 25,牧师Cleric 18
化身果然不受凡人游牧的限制,black archer
Temples of Shevarash are located in cave mouths that connect elf-occupied forests with the deep tunnels of the Underdark and from which drow raiders have emerged (or might emerge). The Black Archer's temples are constructed to serve first and foremost as nigh-impregnable forts blocking access in either direction that can be held by a handful of defenders. Most are designed to withstand long-term sieges and include well-stocked armories, storerooms, and cisterns of fresh water. The walls of Shevarash's houses of worship are typically adorned only with trophies seized from fallen drow. Shevarash's followers sometimes construct shrines to their god in the Underdark, but such monuments are makeshift at best, quickly built in caves that serve as a temporary base of operations. Fallen warriors of the cult are brought back to the surface to be interred or, if absolutely necessary, buried in unmarked cairns in the Underdark so as to hide them from the drow.
Temples of Shevarash are located in cave mouths that connect elf-occupied forests with the deep tunnels of the Underdark and from which drow raiders have emerged (or might emerge). The Black Archer's temples are constructed to serve first and foremost as nigh-impregnable forts blocking access in either direction that can be held by a handful of defenders. Most are designed to withstand long-term sieges and include well-stocked armories, storerooms, and cisterns of fresh water. The walls of Shevarash's houses of worship are typically adorned only with trophies seized from fallen drow. Shevarash's followers sometimes construct shrines to their god in the Underdark, but such monuments are makeshift at best, quickly built in caves that serve as a temporary base of operations. Fallen warriors of the cult are brought back to the surface to be interred or, if absolutely necessary, buried in unmarked cairns in the Underdark so as to hide them from the drow.
不熄复仇之穹The Vault of Unquenched Vengeance 位于科曼索的广阔森林中的精灵王庭的郊区,一株乌黑的巨橡树底下。这座自然洞穴坐落在这棵古树的根部的包围之中,在谢瓦拉许神化的前一天覆蔽了他的身躯。自黑色弓手神化以来,这棵树变成了黑色、停止了生长、并且再没有长出过任何叶子,但它显然仍然还活着。谢瓦拉许的信徒们已将他的临时墓穴改造成了一座坚固的堡垒,因为这座洞穴是精灵王庭附近所遗最后(或者至少人们这么认为)一处通向幽暗地域的入口。这座神殿也充当着许多向仍然居住在下面的卓尔发起的圣战的出发点,黑色弓手的所有追随者都立志在死前完成一场对这座神殿的朝圣。
Naasitaq Poetry: A Compilation)
I move. There is no compulsion. It is not a need. But something pulls. I cannot deny its draw.
The white wends out past my vision. Its fierce eyes watch me as I move. The wolf tracks my step. A silent companion who will not join.
All is blank. The pale expanse lies before and behind.
I search. The miles pass and still my feet move. My hunt continues unabated. The landscape returns my gaze, unaffected by my presence.
The snow falls, needles driven by the wind. Its cold teeth bite my skin. The snow gathers, its hands around my feet, A fierce opponent who will not relent.
All is white. My journey continues.
I travel. I can no longer stop. A true compulsion forms. The need drives me on. I must see.
The sun breaks through the gray. Its unrelenting gaze thaws me. My body warms under its touch, Frigid limbs move again and carry me farther.
All is empty. The breadth of existence is my destination."
I move. There is no compulsion. It is not a need. But something pulls. I cannot deny its draw.
The white wends out past my vision. Its fierce eyes watch me as I move. The wolf tracks my step. A silent companion who will not join.
All is blank. The pale expanse lies before and behind.
I search. The miles pass and still my feet move. My hunt continues unabated. The landscape returns my gaze, unaffected by my presence.
The snow falls, needles driven by the wind. Its cold teeth bite my skin. The snow gathers, its hands around my feet, A fierce opponent who will not relent.
All is white. My journey continues.
I travel. I can no longer stop. A true compulsion forms. The need drives me on. I must see.
The sun breaks through the gray. Its unrelenting gaze thaws me. My body warms under its touch, Frigid limbs move again and carry me farther.
All is empty. The breadth of existence is my destination."
written by Carrie Patel.
written by Carrie Patel.
eyeless face
eyeless face