📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 10:39:03
<DefaultText>One of the other men points at the hooded elf. His eyes are red from drink, but his gaze is focused. "Mocking us even while he shelters in our village. Just goes to show you what these fancy Aedyre manners are worth.

"We don't take to that kind of treatment. Not from foreigners, and 'specially not from Aedyrans."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>The second man thrusts his chin at the elf. He stinks of sour ale. "Go on. Say it again. I'm itching for an excuse."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Fye, you're itching for the kindling touch of your sister, ye coxfither."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>One of the other men glares at the hooded elf. His eyes are red from drink, but his gaze is focused. "You've got a lot of gall, mocking us in our own village. We don't take ill treatment from foreigners. 'Specially not Aedyrans."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>One of the other men glares at the hooded elf. His eyes are red from drink, but his gaze is focused. "We're humble folk, but we're no fools. Not like he thinks, mocking us while he shelters in our village. We don't take to that kind of talk from foreigners, 'specially not Aedyrans."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>A collective cry of outrage rises from the three locals. The second man snarls. "I'll cut that barrel-licking tongue out of your head!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Horror and shock paint themselves across the elven man's face in broad, hasty strokes. "This is a misunderstanding. I didn't say..." He frowns and swallows. "...whatever it is you think I said."

He plants his feet. Something surly and raw flickers through his eyes. "We've nye quarrel."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>The elven woman draws a blade. "That's where you're wrong."</DefaultText>


Coxfither. Ass-nibbling mite of a man. Ye think—
“The erl used his not-inconsiderable influence to deter other would
be patrons? Perhaps.”
Ye’re scuppered, lad.



XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 11:02:45
<DefaultText>"Oh, the knowledge that a barely civilized bumpkin will share my mind and body for the rest of my life? That's kind of you to ask."

He crosses his arms. "I'd always believed that Iselmyr was an ailment that I could cure myself of one day. But now, to think she'll be around forever..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"At least one of you got some good news. Right, Iselmyr?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Surely ye binter! Means I'm crimmed in this one's skull until he manages to get himself quelled."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth shakes his head. "Please... don't do that. It's bad enough knowing that I truly am stuck with her now. "</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 12:50:32
<DefaultText>"I suppose not, but hope is an unchaste mistress."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"It's time you dealt with this, Aloth."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"You mean how she's stuck with you?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I know."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I think, deep down, I'd always hoped to find a solution elsewhere. When I was a child, I always thought my mother would come home with a mysterious cure. Or that my father, without knowing it, could somehow send her away just as he'd called her forth.

"I can't pretend that I didn't spend years of my arcane training hoping that one of my instructors would have the answer somewhere in his grimoire."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"When I joined the Leaden Key, I hoped and believed that, with enough loyal service, I'd gain the ear of someone in the organization who could help me. Even when I met you and realized your unique talents... I hoped that you might be able to reach into my soul the way I've seen you do with so many others."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>He laughs humorlessly. "Over-starched tunics. Burnt toast. Rauatai sherry. Those are 'not that bad.' But having a stranger pop in and out of your head at will? It's unpleasant, I assure you."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"...You remember Brackenbury Sanitarium."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth shakes his head. "You two deserve each other."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I'd been looking for someone else to solve my problem. And now, I realize that I've got to face it on my own."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 14:04:21
8 (0~9)
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 14:05:24
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 14:13:18

XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 14:29:39
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 14:31:56
She and Xoti can form a relationship if not in one with the Watcher (who must be unavailable or have turned down both companions).
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 15:58:09
"Been wonderin'. Whit d'ye think ye'll say to the blue lad when we reach him?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Oh hey, Iselmyr. You really want to know? Didn't think you'd be interested."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I dinnae conne much of the gods and their lot. But I do worry for a friend." </DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Well, you don't have to worry about me. But that's nice of you to say."
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 16:10:13
<DefaultText>"Putting those cipher skills to work, aren't we?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"The pair of you share a soul, one in the same. She be your feminine side."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"And &lt;i&gt;both&lt;/i&gt; of us are equally capable of putting your snooping nose where it belongs."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Or mayhaps you be hers."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"How's that?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"About the Watcher. Parently had him fooled, too."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText>"About the Watcher. Parently had her fooled, too."</FemaleText>
<DefaultText>"Well, I'm not much for fooling. Unless it's more like pouring tree sap in someone's breeches."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 16:19:14
poe1 里个人任务命名为Two sides.

算了,算awakening还是算Jekyll and Hyde都不重要。
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 16:20:30
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 16:43:53

但是得了吧,watcher和inquisitor,hiravias和Scathden,Maneha和Aedyre soldier,Alpine Dragon和 Ygadr
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 16:46:01
XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 17:46:35

XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 19:24:36

……说真的,iselmyr那俚语怎么就能是aloth feminine side了。

XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 19:33:47
"I can't pretend that I didn't spend years of my arcane training hoping that one of my instructors would have the answer somewhere in his grimoire."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"When I joined the Leaden Key, I hoped and believed that, with enough loyal service, I'd gain the ear of someone in the organization who could help me. Even when I met you and realized your unique talents... I hoped that you might be able to reach into my soul the way I've seen you do with so many others."


XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 19:39:57

XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 20:06:15
<DefaultText>"Good, yes, very good!" She rests from her scribbling only to make another adjustment to her scope. "I can now see two separate patterns of essence. Where he ebbs, the other flows. It's as if the Awakened soul fills the spaces that he leaves empty."

She prompts you with a circling of her wrist, quill still in hand. "Go on."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>He bursts into sudden laughter. "Ye'd say the same to your own kindled twig when it betrays ye."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>He grits his teeth painfully. "I've given her nothing. She usurps me in my own body."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Aloth, what's this about ceding space to Iselmyr?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Iselmyr, what exactly are you taking from him?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>As you speak to Aloth, you feel your voice like a bell in your chest. It tolls softly, luring him into the mists of his own memory. Bellasege doesn't seem to notice anything, but you feel as if your words are smoothing his essence, untangling its many threads.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Nye more than I'm giving. Ye should ask whit I did that auld man of his. How the last time he laid a hand on us, I brek it in three places."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Aye, and I lend him a pair, too. Ye should ask whit I did that auld man of his. How the last time he laid a hand on us, I brek it in three places."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's head jerks to the side. "That wasn't your decision. It's never been your decision."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Ac, very good!" She lowers her scope and consults her notes. "I think I've finally got something we can work with."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Nye was Awakening. But now I'm stuck with ye, and damned if I let your ninnying drag us both through the scupper."</DefaultText>


然而她也没有赞同serafen,而是默许了And &lt;i&gt;both&lt;/i&gt; of us are equally capable of putting your snooping nose where it belongs.

XieiFwAC Po 2024-03-20 20:10:56
<DefaultText>As you speak to Aloth, you feel your voice like a bell in your chest. It tolls softly, luring him into the mists of his own memory. Bellasege doesn't seem to notice anything, but you feel as if your words are smoothing his essence, untangling its many threads.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
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