[Slap Aloth.]</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>[Shake him by the shoulders.] "Aloth! You've got to wake up!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"This is just a memory. It isn't real."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>[Squeeze Aloth's hand.] "You're safe. Everything's fine."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Your flattened palm is inches from his cheek when his hand shoots up and grabs your wrist. Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"Try it again and I'll take it off before I gie it back to ye."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"And whit about those raddles ye see in the space twixt your ears? They real enow for ye?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"He's nere safe when I hap upon him."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"Ye've scuttled him off. A wilting daisy, that one."
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>[Shake him by the shoulders.] "Aloth! You've got to wake up!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"This is just a memory. It isn't real."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>[Squeeze Aloth's hand.] "You're safe. Everything's fine."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Your flattened palm is inches from his cheek when his hand shoots up and grabs your wrist. Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"Try it again and I'll take it off before I gie it back to ye."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"And whit about those raddles ye see in the space twixt your ears? They real enow for ye?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"He's nere safe when I hap upon him."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>Aloth's eyes snap open, but the expression you see in them isn't his.
"Ye've scuttled him off. A wilting daisy, that one."
Aloth was beaten by his father as a child. This caused his soul to Awaken,
eff ectively giving him something like a split personality. A past life
female persona named Iselmyr surfaced and took occasional control of
Aloth’s body, primarily as a defense mechanism. These developments
have given Aloth a strong need for control in all aspects of his life.
Aloth studied to be an arcane knight, but lost favor after trying to
inform instructors about a student-run animancy experiment that would
eventually kill a dozen students. Subsequently he joined the Leaden
Key, but became separated from the rest of his group and now operates
completely cut off from the organization
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Wizard
Sex: Male
Culture/Faction: Aedyre/Leaden Key
Age & Appearance: 62 years old, slender elf
with pale skin and straight, dark brown hair.
Description: Obsessive, detail-oriented,
deferential, instructive, dutiful, imperturbed
by violence.
Pillars of Eternity Collector's Edition Guide, pg. 125
Aloth was beaten by his father as a child. This caused his soul to Awaken,
eff ectively giving him something like a split personality. A past life
female persona named Iselmyr surfaced and took occasional control of
Aloth’s body, primarily as a defense mechanism. These developments
have given Aloth a strong need for control in all aspects of his life.
Aloth studied to be an arcane knight, but lost favor after trying to
inform instructors about a student-run animancy experiment that would
eventually kill a dozen students. Subsequently he joined the Leaden
Key, but became separated from the rest of his group and now operates
completely cut off from the organization
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Wizard
Sex: Male
Culture/Faction: Aedyre/Leaden Key
Age & Appearance: 62 years old, slender elf
with pale skin and straight, dark brown hair.
Description: Obsessive, detail-oriented,
deferential, instructive, dutiful, imperturbed
by violence.
Pillars of Eternity Collector's Edition Guide, pg. 125
<DefaultText>"It sounds as though you have suffered greatly, Aloth."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Thank you, yes. It's rare I get much understanding."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Tell me of your lowest moment."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Well, when I was a child, I- Wait, are you enjoying this?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Spare no details."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I don't see how suffering can be beautiful to you, Zahua."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Suffering and flourishing are the same thing, expressed in opposite ways."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"So are love and hate, but you would never confuse them."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"It sounds as though you have suffered greatly, Aloth."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Thank you, yes. It's rare I get much understanding."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Tell me of your lowest moment."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Well, when I was a child, I- Wait, are you enjoying this?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Spare no details."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I don't see how suffering can be beautiful to you, Zahua."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Suffering and flourishing are the same thing, expressed in opposite ways."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"So are love and hate, but you would never confuse them."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"Fye, 'twas his own hand drew those scars! I could clip him."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"My scars make you uneasy."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"That was Iselmyr. She... doesn't speak for me."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Are you sure? A good clipping would be welcome."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Your master died? Before you'd finished your training?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"He had finished training me. But he left much untaught."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"And you were alone and adrift? Now that sounds like true suffering."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"If it is, I prefer the other kinds."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Fye, 'twas his own hand drew those scars! I could clip him."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"My scars make you uneasy."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"That was Iselmyr. She... doesn't speak for me."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Are you sure? A good clipping would be welcome."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Your master died? Before you'd finished your training?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"He had finished training me. But he left much untaught."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"And you were alone and adrift? Now that sounds like true suffering."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"If it is, I prefer the other kinds."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"And then you hit your own father?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Not I! That was Iselmyr."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Yeah, but you're the same person."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Fye and coxfithers to that!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I see your point."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"And then you hit your own father?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Not I! That was Iselmyr."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Yeah, but you're the same person."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Fye and coxfithers to that!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I see your point."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"Aldleaf brandy? Isn't that a tad expensive for a mercenary's wages?"</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"It is if you pay in silver. I paid in steel."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"That's the most senseless act of-"</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"I traded a very nice dagger for it. What kind of bloodthirsty lunatic do you think I am?"<
<DefaultText>"One with exquisite taste."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"Aldleaf brandy? Isn't that a tad expensive for a mercenary's wages?"</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"It is if you pay in silver. I paid in steel."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"That's the most senseless act of-"</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"I traded a very nice dagger for it. What kind of bloodthirsty lunatic do you think I am?"<
<DefaultText>"One with exquisite taste."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"So, if our Watcher hadn’t come along, you would’ve let those drunks carve you a new nose?"<
<DefaultText>"I was softening them up!"
<DefaultText>"When trouble boils over, it’s boots or blade, Aloth."
<DefaultText>"I was sure you’d consider booze an acceptable option."<
[ ゚ 3゚]那个选项还真就没用,watcher请喝酒也没用
<DefaultText>"So, if our Watcher hadn’t come along, you would’ve let those drunks carve you a new nose?"<
<DefaultText>"I was softening them up!"
<DefaultText>"When trouble boils over, it’s boots or blade, Aloth."
<DefaultText>"I was sure you’d consider booze an acceptable option."<
[ ゚ 3゚]那个选项还真就没用,watcher请喝酒也没用
打标里一水的Isselmeer Isilmir Isolmere Islemere Isolmia Isolmere Isolmir一点点校对过来真的值得。
打标里一水的Isselmeer Isilmir Isolmere Islemere Isolmia Isolmere Isolmir一点点校对过来真的值得。
4 (0~9)要不要重新分
4 (0~9)要不要重新分
<DefaultText>"Craeft afyllath thyr lim..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Cwethe sealmes mihtum..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Werde byldan sawel..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Cro ak ten!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Sak ri thu!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Ix maru!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Craeft afyllath thyr lim..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Cwethe sealmes mihtum..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Werde byldan sawel..."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Cro ak ten!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Sak ri thu!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Ix maru!"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>She holds the scope to her eye and flicks a knob. "To begin. Tell me something personal. Something from a time before your Awakening."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"There's nothing to tell. I was just a normal child living in the Cythwood." He looks to you. His face is set in a frown, but the rigid edges of apprehension show through nevertheless.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Talk about your parents."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"What do you remember about your home?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>He closes his eyes. "Mother is away most of the time. With the thayn's family. But I always know when she is coming home. Father's bottles accumulate like storm clouds on the horizon. His fits of temper become swifter and more violent. It still shames him, knowing that her haemneg to another man supports us better than his labors as a steward."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"This is good. I am starting to see... something. Continue. Tell us about the time you Awakened." She bites her tongue as she twists one of the dials.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I am in my fifth year of training. Mother is home. I can let my guard down a little because when she is around, he is usually only angry with her. But he has heard that I have had trouble casting missiles. That my flame shields are unstable. He is furious that I have failed, and Mother's presence reminds him that he has failed, too."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"It will be good to return to Revua. I trust Fentre Aloth and his... companion are well?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I'm Awakened. I've been recalling flashes of a past life."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>She scratches her chin. "Most interesting, but not the kind of Awakening I can study, I'm afraid. I need someone whose Awakened soul can be triggered with predictable stimuli. Souls such as these tend to manifest as alternate personas in the host."
She gives you a broad, if strained, smile. "But I thank you for the offer."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
</Entry> <DefaultText>"The first blow takes me by surprise. One moment I am sweeping the kitchen, the next I am sprawled on the ground, stupidly looking at flecks of my blood on the tile. His boots, glistening with fresh polish, thud across the floor. He kicks me in the stomach, and I curl up to shield my vitals. But it's pointless. Protecting one thing only leaves something else exposed."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Still huddled on the ground, I retreat as fast as I can. I retreat until the vision of the kitchen and my own trembling knees is nothing but a pinprick against a field of black."
His jaw locks and his eyes twitch beneath their lids.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>She holds the scope to her eye and flicks a knob. "To begin. Tell me something personal. Something from a time before your Awakening."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"There's nothing to tell. I was just a normal child living in the Cythwood." He looks to you. His face is set in a frown, but the rigid edges of apprehension show through nevertheless.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Talk about your parents."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"What do you remember about your home?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>He closes his eyes. "Mother is away most of the time. With the thayn's family. But I always know when she is coming home. Father's bottles accumulate like storm clouds on the horizon. His fits of temper become swifter and more violent. It still shames him, knowing that her haemneg to another man supports us better than his labors as a steward."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"This is good. I am starting to see... something. Continue. Tell us about the time you Awakened." She bites her tongue as she twists one of the dials.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I am in my fifth year of training. Mother is home. I can let my guard down a little because when she is around, he is usually only angry with her. But he has heard that I have had trouble casting missiles. That my flame shields are unstable. He is furious that I have failed, and Mother's presence reminds him that he has failed, too."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"It will be good to return to Revua. I trust Fentre Aloth and his... companion are well?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"I'm Awakened. I've been recalling flashes of a past life."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>She scratches her chin. "Most interesting, but not the kind of Awakening I can study, I'm afraid. I need someone whose Awakened soul can be triggered with predictable stimuli. Souls such as these tend to manifest as alternate personas in the host."
She gives you a broad, if strained, smile. "But I thank you for the offer."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
</Entry> <DefaultText>"The first blow takes me by surprise. One moment I am sweeping the kitchen, the next I am sprawled on the ground, stupidly looking at flecks of my blood on the tile. His boots, glistening with fresh polish, thud across the floor. He kicks me in the stomach, and I curl up to shield my vitals. But it's pointless. Protecting one thing only leaves something else exposed."</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Still huddled on the ground, I retreat as fast as I can. I retreat until the vision of the kitchen and my own trembling knees is nothing but a pinprick against a field of black."
His jaw locks and his eyes twitch beneath their lids.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"What brought you here?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Kraking bones and voices high in ire. That warm molasses feeling that crips down your gut when crisis is nigh."</DefaultText>
<DefaultText>"What brought you here?"</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />
<DefaultText>"Kraking bones and voices high in ire. That warm molasses feeling that crips down your gut when crisis is nigh."</DefaultText>