我操,我怎么又听Trespasser - Lost Elf Theme听哭了
Do not believe in partings, comrade. They are but a dream, I swear. Keep faith in the road, it is the only thing which will not run out on you.
The roads are difficult, but life would be a hardship if there were no roads... I love this hymn to Shaundakul, as well. We are akin in many ways, Charnered.I am happy that it is you whom the fate decreed to be my ally that day you have passed through High Hedge.
Do not believe in partings, comrade. They are but a dream, I swear. Keep faith in the road, it is the only thing which will not run out on you.
The roads are difficult, but life would be a hardship if there were no roads... I love this hymn to Shaundakul, as well. We are akin in many ways, Charnered.I am happy that it is you whom the fate decreed to be my ally that day you have passed through High Hedge.
山 达柯尔喜欢信徒们建造圣坛来崇拜他,此类圣坛大多坐落于极为偏僻(甚至毫无人烟)的地区。山达柯尔的圣坛大多是建于高处的石制讲台,其上放置一把石制座椅 (或王座),且周围有一根以上的穿孔石柱-当狂风吹过时便会发出声响。这类圣坛大都位于月之海地区(Moonsea)与科米尔地区(Comyr)的巨石地 (Stoneland),有些已经见证了上千年的历史。
山 达柯尔喜欢信徒们建造圣坛来崇拜他,此类圣坛大多坐落于极为偏僻(甚至毫无人烟)的地区。山达柯尔的圣坛大多是建于高处的石制讲台,其上放置一把石制座椅 (或王座),且周围有一根以上的穿孔石柱-当狂风吹过时便会发出声响。这类圣坛大都位于月之海地区(Moonsea)与科米尔地区(Comyr)的巨石地 (Stoneland),有些已经见证了上千年的历史。
阴影之剑骑士团”(the Knight of the Shadow Sword)是个由战士与游侠组成的菁英团体,其总部位于迷斯˙卓诺城(Myth Drannor)中的“山达柯尔王座”神殿(Shaundakul’s Throne)
阴影之剑骑士团”(the Knight of the Shadow Sword)是个由战士与游侠组成的菁英团体,其总部位于迷斯˙卓诺城(Myth Drannor)中的“山达柯尔王座”神殿(Shaundakul’s Throne)
Rider of the Winds,援助之手 the Helping Hand。山达柯尔是一位寡言的孤独神祇,他用行动来展现自己的理念。他看似仁慈却不失严厉,有时也会展露出幽默的一面。由于他近年来积极地降临凡间亲自吸收信徒,因此教会的规模有逐渐壮大的迹象。驭风者穿着随风飘扬的深色斗篷、皮制的轻便甲胄、以及一双从不触及地面的靴子
Rider of the Winds,援助之手 the Helping Hand。山达柯尔是一位寡言的孤独神祇,他用行动来展现自己的理念。他看似仁慈却不失严厉,有时也会展露出幽默的一面。由于他近年来积极地降临凡间亲自吸收信徒,因此教会的规模有逐渐壮大的迹象。驭风者穿着随风飘扬的深色斗篷、皮制的轻便甲胄、以及一双从不触及地面的靴子
嗯...There is no official word on the Forgotten Realms lesser deity Shaundakul in 5e. He has not been mentioned in Realms materials since 3e, but has never been confirmed as dead.
@59 = ~Let us ask Kelsey for a sample. He seems to have traded in everything.~
One more friend to mourn
One more friend to mourn
= ~Blind fury is something that nature harbors, as well as eternal harmony, yet the actions of the Shadow Druids seem to be guided more by human emotion than nature's will.~ [KIVAN 99]
@301 = ~Which emotion would that be?~
@302 = ~Despair. Impatience. The Great Mother is never desperate and never impatient.~
@303 = ~There is a reason to despair, Cernd. Where the great forests once stood, now there is nothing but grass pastures and fields of wheat. The Forest of Tethir was nigh destroyed out of malice alone, not even out of any mercantile interest. Cormanthyr... I understand why some of my kin in Maztica greet every human with a volley of well-aimed arrows.~
@304 = ~I know of these bleeding wounds, Kivan, and of many more. Redressing them is the goal of the healer, not chasing after the ones who caused them.~
@305 = ~My Deheriana was a healer, Cernd, and she fought when the orcs came to burn and despoil the Forest of Shadows. It was never in her to surrender humbly.~
@306 = ~With so many creatures seeking to live in the world, the conflicts are unavoidable, and such struggle is the part of the Great Balance. But I suspect that the Shadow Ones disturb rather than protect it.~
@307 = ~I would have comforted you, but there seems to be no need. You are not a passionate man, Cernd, but the coolness with which you have accepted the death of the woman who shared your bed and bore you a child is unnerving.~ [KIVAN 99]
@308 = ~I wished to see the wizard punished for his cruelty, but death itself is a natural thing and ensures that the cycles continue.~
@309 = ~Despite all your beliefs... do you feel whole, Cernd?~
@310 = ~Kivan, I ask you for your own sake to stop this questioning.~
@311 = ~Kivan, your inability to accept mortality is quite strong, even for one of your kin.~ [KIVAN 99]
@312 = ~We all must depart from the Prime Plane, Cernd, and I am reconciled with it.~
@313 = ~But you resent Deheriana's death and her ability to die. Your desire of revenge and unrest grew from it, and they hold you strongly.~
@314 = ~I had a chance to guide her to the safety of death, when I heard the steps of Tazok's bandits closing on us from all sides. Yet I could not spill her lifeblood. I betrayed my creed, and I left my wife to the torture. That is what I cannot accept.~
@315 = ~Kivan, if she died by your hand, would you be a merry person now?~
@316 = ~I would have been in Arvanaith with her, if I possessed enough courage then. This is all I know.~
@317 = ~Aha! This one is a linnet's song... I have one on you, Kivan.~ [KIVAN 99]
@318 = ~And so it would have been, if that was not a cross beak, which I had pointed out to you only yestereve.~
@319 = ~Comrades, why would you be making bets about birds without this little sparrow? A man of grimmer nature might have taken it as a slight.~
@320 = ~Not to doubt the sharp elven eyesight and hearing, but Kivan, I am sure that it was a linnet.~
@321 = ~Should I shoot it down for proof, Cernd?~
@322 = ~Kivan! No! How could you even think of such a thing? Lower your bow!~
@323 = ~I am a hunter, Cernd. And the game is the game.~
@324 = ~Surely, a linnet is too small to eat!
@301 = ~Which emotion would that be?~
@302 = ~Despair. Impatience. The Great Mother is never desperate and never impatient.~
@303 = ~There is a reason to despair, Cernd. Where the great forests once stood, now there is nothing but grass pastures and fields of wheat. The Forest of Tethir was nigh destroyed out of malice alone, not even out of any mercantile interest. Cormanthyr... I understand why some of my kin in Maztica greet every human with a volley of well-aimed arrows.~
@304 = ~I know of these bleeding wounds, Kivan, and of many more. Redressing them is the goal of the healer, not chasing after the ones who caused them.~
@305 = ~My Deheriana was a healer, Cernd, and she fought when the orcs came to burn and despoil the Forest of Shadows. It was never in her to surrender humbly.~
@306 = ~With so many creatures seeking to live in the world, the conflicts are unavoidable, and such struggle is the part of the Great Balance. But I suspect that the Shadow Ones disturb rather than protect it.~
@307 = ~I would have comforted you, but there seems to be no need. You are not a passionate man, Cernd, but the coolness with which you have accepted the death of the woman who shared your bed and bore you a child is unnerving.~ [KIVAN 99]
@308 = ~I wished to see the wizard punished for his cruelty, but death itself is a natural thing and ensures that the cycles continue.~
@309 = ~Despite all your beliefs... do you feel whole, Cernd?~
@310 = ~Kivan, I ask you for your own sake to stop this questioning.~
@311 = ~Kivan, your inability to accept mortality is quite strong, even for one of your kin.~ [KIVAN 99]
@312 = ~We all must depart from the Prime Plane, Cernd, and I am reconciled with it.~
@313 = ~But you resent Deheriana's death and her ability to die. Your desire of revenge and unrest grew from it, and they hold you strongly.~
@314 = ~I had a chance to guide her to the safety of death, when I heard the steps of Tazok's bandits closing on us from all sides. Yet I could not spill her lifeblood. I betrayed my creed, and I left my wife to the torture. That is what I cannot accept.~
@315 = ~Kivan, if she died by your hand, would you be a merry person now?~
@316 = ~I would have been in Arvanaith with her, if I possessed enough courage then. This is all I know.~
@317 = ~Aha! This one is a linnet's song... I have one on you, Kivan.~ [KIVAN 99]
@318 = ~And so it would have been, if that was not a cross beak, which I had pointed out to you only yestereve.~
@319 = ~Comrades, why would you be making bets about birds without this little sparrow? A man of grimmer nature might have taken it as a slight.~
@320 = ~Not to doubt the sharp elven eyesight and hearing, but Kivan, I am sure that it was a linnet.~
@321 = ~Should I shoot it down for proof, Cernd?~
@322 = ~Kivan! No! How could you even think of such a thing? Lower your bow!~
@323 = ~I am a hunter, Cernd. And the game is the game.~
@324 = ~Surely, a linnet is too small to eat!
They feel the joys and sorrows of the other, their triumphs and angers as well. Should distance separate the two in this bond and one pass away, the other can feel the death through the breaking of the bond. This is an even stronger version of the communion ability elves share, for this is a lifelong bond and not lightly broken.
They feel the joys and sorrows of the other, their triumphs and angers as well. Should distance separate the two in this bond and one pass away, the other can feel the death through the breaking of the bond. This is an even stronger version of the communion ability elves share, for this is a lifelong bond and not lightly broken.