📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:54:09
@32 = ~(At the first sign of creature's agitation, Kivan lifts the creature and sets him on the grass.) Namarie... I should not have fed and handled a creature of the wild like that. It was sickly, but still.~
@33 = ~Kivan... are you all right?~
@34 = ~Well, there is nothing to it now. Let us go back, my friend, for you yourself look like you need food and sleep.~
@35 = ~(Shrug.)~
@36 = ~I know, but from the two of you, I think it was *you* who got the most healing from the encounter. And I cannot say I regret it. Squirrels are many, and your kind is on the brink of extinction.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:08:20
@63 = ~In truth, that is the way of my people, <CHARNAME>... an elf bonds to his beloved, once he finds his true love.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:08:33
@122 = ~I reveried, <CHARNAME>, and the memory of the accursed morning when I came to after Tazok left me for dead returned to me.~
@123 = ~I did not tell you... but there was a cougar standing over me, snarling. My first thought was to scare it away, and I struggled to get up to my feet... There was a boulder digging into my back. I closed my fingers about it and it was slick with thickening blood. Mine. The cougar scowled at me... snorted and went away... I thought in my fever she was laughing at me.~
@124 = ~She might well have. The cats do not respect the weak.~
@125 = ~And then I saw Deheriana... ~
@126 = ~She... her body was covered with yellow leaves, like a golden shroud. I turned her on her back, and her eyes looked unseeing into mine. She was long dead, but I still called for her, hoping against all hope.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:09:00
It's not every day that your companion looks a veritable image of Shaundakul!~
@139 = ~Lady, you underestimate me. I can wield a needle well enough.~
@140 = ~Yes, you can sew up a tear, but can you do it in such a way that it appears to be embroidered on purpose?~
@141 = ~I have seen your prowess with thread and needle. It will please me nonetheless to do something for you...
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:09:14
IF ~~ KIST3.9
SAY @117
+ ~!Class(Player1, CLERIC_ALL) !Class(Player1, SORCERER) !Class(Player1, MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1, BARD) !Class(Player1, PALADIN) !Class(Player1, DRUID_ALL) !Class(Player1, RANGER_ALL)~ + @118 DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT
+ ~OR(7) Class(Player1, CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1, SORCERER) Class(Player1, MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1, BARD_ALL) Class(Player1, PALADIN_ALL) Class(Player1, DRUID_ALL) Class(Player1, RANGER_ALL)~ + @118 DO ~RestParty() RealSetGlobalTimer("P#KiDreamCatcherTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ EXIT
++ @119 + KIST3.10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:10:59
IF ~~ KIST3.10
SAY @122
= @123
= @124
= @125
= @126
+ ~!Class(Player1, CLERIC_ALL) !Class(Player1, SORCERER) !Class(Player1, MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1, BARD_ALL) !Class(Player1, PALADIN) !Class(Player1, DRUID_ALL) !Class(Player1, RANGER_ALL)~ + @127 DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT
+ ~OR(7) Class(Player1, CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1, SORCERER) Class(Player1, MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1, BARD_ALL) Class(Player1, PALADIN_ALL) Class(Player1, DRUID_ALL) Class(Player1, RANGER_ALL)~ + @128 DO ~RestParty() RealSetGlobalTimer("P#KiDreamCatcherTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ EXIT
++ @120 EXIT
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:13:19
@118 = ~It's nothing. You go back to sleep now, and I will make sure that you are not awakened before you have rested.~
@127 = ~You are exhausted, my friend. Go back to sleep now, and I will make sure that you are not awakened before you have rested.~
@128 = ~You are exhausted, my friend. You go back to sleep now, and I will make sure that you are not awakened before you have rested.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:15:20
奥术施法者专属的火球术[`ヮ´ ]
IF ~~ LTTOB1.14
SAY @22
++ @23 + LTTOB1.18
+~OR(3) Class(Player1, MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER) Class(Player1, BARD_ALL) ~ + @24 DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("SPIN160","P#KIVAN") SetGlobal("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT
++ @25 + LTTOB1.17
++ @18 + LTTOB1.19
++ @11 DO ~SetGlobal("P#KivanRomanceInacti
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:18:22
~Global("P#TazokTalk", "GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN KivTazok4
SAY @776
+ ~Race(Player1,ELF)~ + @777 + KIPCST10.1
++ @778 + KIPCST10.2
+ ~Gender(Player1, FEMALE)~ + @779 + KIPCST10.3
++ @780 + KIPCST10.4
+ ~Class(Player1, BARD_ALL)~ + @781 + KIPCST10.5
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:24:20
诗人 SOALT leave tune

@68 = ~I think... I think I can repeat the tune... it's very... hummable... (hum quietly)~
@69 = ~Lle merna salk? Would you like to dance with the leaves?~
@70 = ~Never on my life!~
@71 = ~I would rather just watch.~
@72 = ~Would not that be a strange thing to do?~
@73 = ~It has come to us from the times more removed than the Time of Troubles when Shaundakul, the lord of wanderers, loved fair Aerdrie Faenya.~
@74 = ~Lle merna salk? Can I be so bold as to ask you if you would like to dance with the leaves?~
@75 = ~That was not an idle question, my lady. But I can see that you are indisposed to any conversation.~
@76 = ~You have a good ear, my lady. I know this tune... Lle merna salk?~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:44:30
暗影德以及Eldreth Veluuthra
= ~Shadow Druids? Stay close, Jaheira. I remember that their kin in the Cloakwood were ready to kill you on sight.~
@48 = ~Worry not, ranger. I would like nothing more than to beat some sense into these stubborn heads.~
@49 = ~I expect no less from you, Jaheira. You are unbiased even to those who share your beliefs.~
@50 = ~The shadow filth claims to share the druids' beliefs, yet they cause more damage with their extreme tactics than they solve. Irreparable damage, at that.~
@51 = ~I am appalled by their enslavement of animals only to slay the people of Trademeet.~
@52 = ~This is but one example of their hypocrisy! One cannot preserve balance by exterminating a large part of it.~
@53 = ~There is a faction among my people - Eldreth Veluuthra - that stands for restoring elven supremacy in the world by whatever means it takes. When I look at the state of my kin and see its inevitable demise- ~
@54 = ~Kivan, you're sounding like that Evereskian, Xan. This is unhealthy.~
@55 = ~There was a reason for his melancholic demeanor, Jaheira.~
@56 = ~I admit that a part of me commiserates with extremists. Part of me greatly desires my people restored to their former glory and lands. But would one defy history itself? No matter how I cast it, it seems that a war against N'Tel'Quess will only hasten the decline of the elves.~
@57 = ~And you are right; there is a difference between wishful thinking and realistic plans. To destroy and kill in the name of something that cannot be is criminal. But we have tarried long enough. It's time to confront the shadow kin.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:49:35
@75 = ~Excuse my manners, Kivan. I did not mean to stare. But... but I cannot help but notice that you never finish your food.~
@76 = ~Tavern maids have a peculiar habit to put more on my plate than I have asked for. Elves do not require as much sustenance as other races, but they only laugh at me when I try to explain that... and add another morsel.~
@77 = ~I do not know if that's the case amongst elves, but I am quite certain that among humans, it is a common sign of courting.~
@78 = ~When so many children are starving in the world it is so... wasteful.~
@79 = ~O, Nalia, in an establishment like this one, the food will not be wasted. It will be returned to a pot... Nalia? What's wrong?~
@80 = ~Ewww... I... I just hope that majority of the clientele here... do clean their plates.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 20:59:52
~Ah-Hah! 'Tis a grand boast that we won't be greetin' *that* feller again by light of day! But say, you leaf-licker! Yer might take a better angle to yer needle-point. Twice there, yer wee dainty darts nigh singed me beard from the arrears of me.~
@102 = ~They came no closer than they needed to.~
@103 = ~Then yer hand wanders. Or be ye unsure which is yer target of true choice?~
@104 = ~I shoot at will when the foes crowd us, when aiming for a particular target is impossible. If you do not want to be hit by a stray arrow, do not venture too far behind the enemy's line. You can be mistaken for a monster too easily that way.~
@105 = ~Aye. But thrice pays fer all, so consider yerself warned. It happens agin, 'n' we see how yer dancin' 'n' dartin'll do by ye, face-on-face.~
@106 = ~In a battle of faces, I would concede. No misfortune could render mine as terrible as your own.~
@107 = ~Bah. I canna say if ye be talkin' sense or insult but ye be right either way. Just ye remember this one time that ye *was* right.~
@108 = ~Elf, I've been thinkin' of peace and contentment. And ye...~
@109 = ~*I* occur in your thoughts of peace and contentment? This must be truly a unique moment.~
@110 = ~Aye. I'll be set to relax me bones a bit. And ye; ye won't tip a cup nor tup a wench like no live un, so I've been thinkin' that my peace and contentment'll be best served by ye takin' yer moanin' and bleetin' off to some hilltop where the moon won't mind yer company as I would.~
@111 = ~I think my efforts entitle me to honest shelter no less than yourself.~
@112 = ~Then yer thinkin's of no more account than the rest of ye. I'll allow ye the stable - if it's rainin' - but no nearer. Understood?~@113 = ~Your kin is famed for its generosity, and at every turn I see a confirmation of it from you, dwarf. But I should be ungrateful and rest where I choose.~
@114 = ~Then I'd best see to it that ye blight no more inns. 'Less there's a call in one for elfmeat casserole.~
@115 = ~You are both out in the cold tonight. I'm sick of your yapping at each other! Who'd knew that it would be so difficult to keep an elf and a dwarf off each other's throats?~
@116 = ~Korgan! You do more harm than good. Get the hell out of my sight!~@117 = ~I think it is obvious that we are both disillusioned in our old friendship. You do not like my new companions and I... frankly, I do not care for what you think, nor if you think at all any longer. So I gather it's time for us to part... before I do order an elfmeat casserole! ('Twas a good one, Korgan!)~
@118 = ~Can we all please, please settle down? We are all tired! Alternatively, should I finish to<DAYNIGHT> with a glamorous slaughter of my own allies?~
@119 = ~Ye want t' see *harm*? I'll learn ye harm, ye bowelhive!~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 21:02:32
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 21:03:29
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 21:06:08
艾德温和凯东1v1 pk,触发过两次,第一次凯东应该是即死法术豁免没过输了,第二次艾德温被秒。
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 21:22:00
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 21:38:29
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-19 02:16:31
Polymorph Other
Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 5 yds./level
AoE: 1 creature
Save: Neg.
Casting Time : 4
Duration: Permanent
The polymorph other spell is a powerful magic that completely alters the form and ability, and possibly the personality and mentality, of the recipient. Of course, while a creature with a lower Intelligence can be polymorphed in form into something with a higher Intelligence, it will not gain that creature's mental ability. The reverse-- polymorphing a higher Intelligence creature into one of significantly lower Intelligence-- results in a creature much more intelligent than appearances would lead one to believe.The polymorphed creature must succeed on a system shock (see Table 3) roll to see if it survives the change. After this, it must make a special Intelligence check to see if it retains its personality (see following). The polymorphed creature acquires the form and physical abilities of the creature it has been polymorphed into, while retaining its own mind. Form includes natural Armor Class (that due to skin toughness, but not due to quickness, magical nature, etc.), physical movement abilities (walking, swimming, and flight with wings, but not plane shifting, blinking, teleporting, etc.), and attack routines (claw/claw/bite, swoop, rake, and constriction, but not petrification, breath weapons, energy drain, etc.). Hit points and saving throws do not change from the original form. Noncorporeal forms cannot be assumed. Natural shapeshifters (lycanthropes, dopplegangers, higher level druids, etc.) are affected for but one round, and can then resume their normal form. If slain, the polymorphed creature reverts to its original form, though it remains dead. (Note that most creatures generally prefer their own form and will not willingly stand the risk of being subjected to this spell!) As class and level are not attributes of form, abilities derived from either cannot be gained by this spell, nor can exact ability scores be specified. When the polymorph occurs, the creature's equipment, if any, melds into the new form (in particularly challenging campaigns, the DM may allow protective devices, such as a ring of protection, to continue operating effectively). The creature retains its mental abilities, including spell use, assuming the new form allows completion of the proper verbal and somatic components and the material components are available. Creatures not used to a new form might be penalized at the DM's option (for example, -2 to attack rolls) until they practice sufficiently to master it. When the physical change occurs, there is a base 100% chance that the subject's personality and mentality change into that of the new form (i.e., a roll of 20 or less on 1d20). For each 1 point of Intelligence of the subject, subtract 1 from the base chance on 1d20. Additionally, for every Hit Die of difference between the original form and the form it is assuming, add or subtract 1 (depending on whether polymorphed form has more Hit Dice [or levels] or fewer Hit Dice [or levels] than original, respectively). The chance for assumption of the personality and mentality of the new form is checked daily until the change takes place. A subject acquiring the mentality of the new form has effectively become the creature whose form was assumed and comes under the control of the DM until recovered by a wish spell or similar magic. Once this final change takes place, the creature acquires the new form's full range of magical and special abilities. For example: If a 1 Hit Die orc of 8 Intelligence is polymorphed into a white dragon with 6 Hit Dice, it is 85% (20 - 8 Intelligence + 5 level difference [6-1] = 17 out of 20 = 85%) likely to actually become one in all respects, but in any case it has the dragon's physical and mental capabilities. If it does not assume the personality and mentality of a white dragon, it knows what it formerly knew as well. The wizard can use a dispel magic spell to change the polymorphed creature back to its original form, and this requires a system shock roll. Those who have lost their individuality and are then converted back maintain the belief that they are actually the polymorphed creature and attempt to return to that form. Thus, the orc who comes to believe he is a white dragon, when converted back to his orc form, steadfastly maintainshe is really a white dragon polymorphed into the shape of an orc. His companions will most likely consider him mad. The material component of this spell is a caterpillar cocoon
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-19 02:21:14
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