📝正在回复 #990470
XieiFwAC 2023-05-18 23:23:10
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 03:54:46
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 12:34:17
判官喝水...you're myrhal's creature now.
"You really don't let anyone see under the polite mask you wear, do you?”"You saw more than most."
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 12:41:21
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 12:43:06
:Stubborn. I can be stubborn, too.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 12:52:15
@0 = ~I'm...I'm glad that we didn't have to kill these poor gnomes.~
@1 = ~Yes, but I pray that this will not lead to more deaths.~
@2 = ~Why do you say that?~
@3 = ~We were sent to teach them a lesson of fear and obedience. Instead, we have shown them that drow can be merciful. A dangerous lesson indeed.~
@4 = ~Oh... because we were disguised as drow. But maybe... maybe it's not bad.~
@5 = ~What are you saying, Aerie? As soon as svirfneblin relax their guard around the drow, they are as good as dead.~
@6 = ~I was just thinking. Everyone expects drow to be cruel, but some... some of them are not evil of heart. S-Solaufein, for example. So... so if someone looks upon such a person expecting mercy, not death, maybe he would be merciful.~
@7 = ~Promise me one thing, Aerie.~
@8 = ~Yes, Kivan, what is it?~
@9 = ~If a drow approaches you, his blade drawn, you will attack him with the deadliest spells you know.~
@10 = ~Even... even someone like Solaufein?~
@11 = ~Even him. For he might well kill you, if not from malice, then to keep suspicions away from himself.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 12:56:13
PID -What does it mean to be elven

= ~It is, perhaps, the desire for harmony. To live in harmony with the woods, to bond with the one you love, to be connected to the elvendom and the community through the Elven Spirit.~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 13:03:29
IF ~Class(Player1,BARD)~ THEN REPLY @68 DO ~SetGlobal("P#KivanLTalk","GLOBAL",5)~ GOTO KIPC3.4
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 13:04:18
IF ~~ KIST1.19
SAY @63
IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty() ActionOverride("P#SQUI",DestroySelf())~ EXIT
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 13:06:57
SAY @87
= @88
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:13:39
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:15:51
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:23:44
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:27:29
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:33:44
@47 = ~Do you know much of suffering, knight? Of pain? ~ [KIVAN91]
@48 = ~I am a priest, Kivan. Not of Ilmater, surely, but I've seen a great deal. It is my duty to prevent it. Unless the critter is an evil one, and deserves whatever's happening to it.~
@49 = ~You speak lightly of others' pain. Too lightly. What agonies have you been through to do so?~
@50 = ~Let's say that I took a wound, and there were those who needed healing more than I.~
@51 = ~And you endured the hurt through the night as befit a squire of the Order. ~
@52 = ~What did you expect? 'Twas a day, actually. ~
@53 = ~Would you endure it willingly again? ~
@54 = ~Elf, you have a morbid fascination with the subject. ~
@55 = ~I... Yes, perhaps. You *are* a priest, Anomen.~
@56 = ~This land reeks of pain and suffering.~
@57 = ~Do you know much of suffering, Anomen? Of pain? ~
@58 = ~<CHARNAME>'s fascination with exotics will cost us dearly. Adventuring with a pointy-eared weakling! Next, <PRO_HESHE> will start recruiting *gnomes*.~
@59 = ~Anomen, do stop this.~
@60 = ~Don't you be looking at me like that. With your slant-eyed breed, a man can never know if you are contemplating a murder or thinking of your flowers. You *always* look shifty.~
@61 = ~If I were contemplating a murder, you would be able to tell it.~ [KIVAN92]
@62 = ~Oh, just shut up. The last thing I need right now is you going on forever about elves being ever so ancient and keen of sight and of the spiritual bond among your sophisticated kin and all that other elvish ado <CHARNAME> likes so well.~
@63 = ~Why would I repeat things that have just been said?~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:35:26
~I must confess that I envy your ability to change into an animal form. How does it feel, Cernd?~ [KIVAN93]
@65 = ~Quite painful and tiring. New creatures come into the world after the pains of labor that their parent suffers.~
@66 = ~You consider your wolf-form an offspring of yours?~
@67 = ~It is more complex, Kivan. Nature gives all of us an imprint of what "the self" is. Looking at someone that is not "I" and then slowly adding to "self" his features, and growing a new being - that is what a druid's shapeshift is. It is a melt rather than birth, and the ancestor coexists with his progeny.~
@68 = ~We traveled with <CHARNAME> to an island overtaken by lycanthropes. I observed that it was the wolf side that was in control of many of them.~
@69 = ~People affected by lycanthropy do not have time enough to develop the understanding of their second nature that sprouts within their "self". They have difficulty achieving balance between the two. The wolf blood is stronger and hungrier, so it devours its parent being.~
@70 = ~But a lycanthrope does not become an ordinary wolf, is that true?~
@71 = ~Indeed, the wolf-part feasts readily on the unfamiliar emotions and assimilates them. It throws aside what it does not understand. Unfortunately, the ability to kill without a natural purpose they take on most easily.~
@72 = ~Does druids' lore speak often of the trees coming to life?~ [KIVAN94]
@73 = ~Trees are alive.~
@74 = ~Alive as in uprooting themselves from where they have stood for centuries and moving forth to do battle when bid.~
@75 = ~That I have not heard of from a reliable source. However, there are legends of tree-guards employed by the elves of millenia ago. ~
@76 = ~Such guards exist in Shilmista. I have seen them in action against an army of orcs who came to burn and plunder the Forest of Shadows, and I was awestruck. What made me the most surprised is that it did not feel awkward at all, Cernd.~
@77 = ~Marvels of nature are countless, and the trust that can develop between all of her children is boundless. It is how it was designed at the beginning of times. Unfortunately, too many of my kin have no patience or wits to comprehend such a thing.
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:36:57
2 (0~9)
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:43:03
IF ~~ KIST1.14
SAY @53
++ @54 + KIST1.19
++ @55 GOTO KIST1.4
++ @56 DO ~RestParty() ActionOverride("P#SQUI",DestroySelf())~ EXIT
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:48:42
@53 = ~My people are diminishing, but they are still numerous, <CHARNAME>.~
@54 = ~I am not talking about the Elvenkind, I am talking of elven rangers who love but once... ~
@55 = ~Of course, but the trend is alarming. So in order to avoid losing yet another representative, I am going to have you fed. And by the grace of Sylvanus, we have better things to eat to<DAYNIGHT> than dry bread and hard cheese.~
@56 = ~Well, I am too tired to speak straight. I am going to sleep. Good night!~
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:50:22
IF ~~ KIST1.7
SAY @32
++ @33 GOTO KIST1.6
++ @34 GOTO KIST1.4
++ @35 DO ~RestParty() ActionOverride("P#SQUI",DestroySelf())~ EXIT
+ ~Class(Player1, DRUID_ALL)~ + @36 + KIST1.14
XieiFwAC Po 2024-08-18 16:51:51
IF ~~ KIST1.2
SAY @12
= @13
++ @14 GOTO KIST1.7
++ @15 GOTO KIST1.7
++ @10 GOTO KIST1.6
++ @11 GOTO KIST1.4
为 #654 送出表情
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👎 这不好
😆 欢乐
🎉 烟花
😕 嗯...
💗 爱心
🐱 喵喵喵
🐭 鼠鼠我呀
🐷 猪头
🐶 我是狗?
😱 吓死了
👀 就看看
🤡 小丑
🀄 太中咧!
🤣 笑哭
😅 这...
😫 痛苦面具
😭 我哭死
😋 我吃吃吃
🦪 牡蛎哟牡蛎
🈁 ko↓ko↑
🤔 嗯?
🤤 发癫
🥺 求你了
🦸 你是英雄
🍾 开香槟咯
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