A rarely-seen community of aquatic elves resided in the depths of Lac Dinneshere in Icewind Dale. Their reclusiveness led to many to believe that they were merely one of the local myths intended to draw traders and settlers to the region.18 (0~27) However, one of the lake's aquatic elves made contact with a group of adventurers and a fisher in the town of Easthaven in the Year of the Cold Soul, 1281 DR.
:I must have some of our marine kin's blood in my veins. I feel strangely at ease here.Some of our kin likes it under the open sea.
半兽人赏金猎人,地底侏儒战幻,中途发现sod漏了,补全之后重开,想整个蓝皮/绿皮主角,按照lore开了个水生卡。全程全指着tosc齐冯海蛇任务,日常falling stars,soa海底地图齐冯pid,海蛇任务后续,tob对白 star of the lost,rp一下祖上来自Sea of Fallen Stars.
冰风谷序章这才是真遇着Aquatic elf.
:I must have some of our marine kin's blood in my veins. I feel strangely at ease here.Some of our kin likes it under the open sea.
半兽人赏金猎人,地底侏儒战幻,中途发现sod漏了,补全之后重开,想整个蓝皮/绿皮主角,按照lore开了个水生卡。全程全指着tosc齐冯海蛇任务,日常falling stars,soa海底地图齐冯pid,海蛇任务后续,tob对白 star of the lost,rp一下祖上来自Sea of Fallen Stars.
冰风谷序章这才是真遇着Aquatic elf.
Hail! It is not often that I come across strangers in this part of the world.
[h]就someone very dear to me 为什么要翻译成亲人啊orz.[/h]
Hail! It is not often that I come across strangers in this part of the world.
[h]就someone very dear to me 为什么要翻译成亲人啊orz.[/h]
Eldreth Veluuthra
Eldreth Veluuthra
@330 = ~Are you trying to tell me that your loyalty to your people is stronger than the bond of our friendship? Are you refusing to help me avenge Khalid and Dynaheir and kill a vile man just because he is an elf?!~
@331 = ~If my own people have forsaken their heritage so much as to torture an innocent and kill in cold blood... then the corruption of this world is truly frightening.~
@332 = ~I am sorry, Kivan...~
@333 = ~I have had enough of this elven arrogance! There are good men and vile men among elves, just like among other peoples!~
@334 = ~Please, don't take *my* tortures quite so personally. Even if the man who made me squeal with pain was an elf.~
@335 = ~Tazok was a half-ogre, right? Now I am a half-orc - his distant kin. If this Irenicus is an elf, we have a racial-torture balance of sorts here. Dunno if that would cheer you up though.~
@336 = ~If our own people have forsaken their heritage so much as to torture one of their own... then the corruption of this world is truly frightening. Oh, Seldarine...~
@331 = ~If my own people have forsaken their heritage so much as to torture an innocent and kill in cold blood... then the corruption of this world is truly frightening.~
@332 = ~I am sorry, Kivan...~
@333 = ~I have had enough of this elven arrogance! There are good men and vile men among elves, just like among other peoples!~
@334 = ~Please, don't take *my* tortures quite so personally. Even if the man who made me squeal with pain was an elf.~
@335 = ~Tazok was a half-ogre, right? Now I am a half-orc - his distant kin. If this Irenicus is an elf, we have a racial-torture balance of sorts here. Dunno if that would cheer you up though.~
@336 = ~If our own people have forsaken their heritage so much as to torture one of their own... then the corruption of this world is truly frightening. Oh, Seldarine...~
查内姆半兽人种族选项half orc
half orge.
查内姆半兽人种族选项half orc
half orge.
343 = ~Do you know me so little, or do you aim to offend?~
@344 = ~I will stand with you, no matter who your foe is. But if he is an elf, it is grave tidings for me.~
@345 = ~But it grieves me to learn of an elf so corrupted. I cannot deny that I greatly wish to be mistaken.~
@346 = ~But it grieves me to learn that our kinsman can be so corrupted. I cannot deny that I greatly wish to be mistaken.~
@347 = ~Why do you apologize, mellonamin? Someone committed a grave trespass against you and murdered our friends. I will see that he lives to regret it, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
@348 = ~It is personal, for a villain has murdered and harmed those who fought with me. The least I can do is to see that Irenicus lives to regret his crimes, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
@349 = ~Do not try to make light of it! Irenicus' trespasses were grave. The villain has murdered and harmed those who fought with me. The least I can do is to see that he lives to regret his crimes, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
343 = ~Do you know me so little, or do you aim to offend?~
@344 = ~I will stand with you, no matter who your foe is. But if he is an elf, it is grave tidings for me.~
@345 = ~But it grieves me to learn of an elf so corrupted. I cannot deny that I greatly wish to be mistaken.~
@346 = ~But it grieves me to learn that our kinsman can be so corrupted. I cannot deny that I greatly wish to be mistaken.~
@347 = ~Why do you apologize, mellonamin? Someone committed a grave trespass against you and murdered our friends. I will see that he lives to regret it, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
@348 = ~It is personal, for a villain has murdered and harmed those who fought with me. The least I can do is to see that Irenicus lives to regret his crimes, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
@349 = ~Do not try to make light of it! Irenicus' trespasses were grave. The villain has murdered and harmed those who fought with me. The least I can do is to see that he lives to regret his crimes, or dies if he is unrepentant.~
= ~Take heart, mellonamin. We are on the soul thief's trail, and you will be whole soon, just as the dryads were made whole by your efforts.~
@360 = ~Take heart, mellonamin. You will be reunited with your friend Imoen, just as the dryads were reunited with their kin by your efforts.~
@361 = ~Exercise caution, mellonamin. These beautiful creatures are carefree to a fault, and their amusements can be almost...cruel to a man they choose to toy with.~
@362 = ~These beautiful creatures are not known for their constancy, nor for their loyalty. Still, it is better to have the Fairy Queen's favor than her wrath.~
@363 = ~'Tis true, my friend.~
@364 = ~(You nod and smile privately, watching the elf through your eyelashes. If only this fairy's favor could be won by a delivery of a handful of acorns!)~
= ~Take heart, mellonamin. We are on the soul thief's trail, and you will be whole soon, just as the dryads were made whole by your efforts.~
@360 = ~Take heart, mellonamin. You will be reunited with your friend Imoen, just as the dryads were reunited with their kin by your efforts.~
@361 = ~Exercise caution, mellonamin. These beautiful creatures are carefree to a fault, and their amusements can be almost...cruel to a man they choose to toy with.~
@362 = ~These beautiful creatures are not known for their constancy, nor for their loyalty. Still, it is better to have the Fairy Queen's favor than her wrath.~
@363 = ~'Tis true, my friend.~
@364 = ~(You nod and smile privately, watching the elf through your eyelashes. If only this fairy's favor could be won by a delivery of a handful of acorns!)~
@367 = ~It always surprises me that your grumpy facade conceals a generous and bountiful heart.~
@368 = ~Your fervor is warming in a world where evil so often triumphs because so many decent people do nothing wrong...and do nothing.~
@369 = ~There is a dreamy look about you. (It sounds like a question.)~
@370 = ~A stray dream, Kivan. Nothing more.~
@367 = ~It always surprises me that your grumpy facade conceals a generous and bountiful heart.~
@368 = ~Your fervor is warming in a world where evil so often triumphs because so many decent people do nothing wrong...and do nothing.~
@369 = ~There is a dreamy look about you. (It sounds like a question.)~
@370 = ~A stray dream, Kivan. Nothing more.~
//The talk about Shevarash
~Global("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN KivShevarash
SAY @406
++ @407 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ + KIPCST5.1
++ @408 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ + KIPCST5.2
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~ + @409 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT
SAY @410
++ @411 + KIPCST5.3
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(3) Global("P#DeherianaDead","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",0) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",3)~ + @412 + KIPCST5.4
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",1)Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",2)~ + @413 + KIPCST5.5
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + @414 + KIPCST5.6
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ~+ @415 + KIPCST5.7
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~+ @415 + KIPCST5.8
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1, ELF)~+ @416 + KIPCST5.9
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !Race(Player1, ELF)~+ @416 + KIPCST5.10
~Global("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN KivShevarash
SAY @406
++ @407 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ + KIPCST5.1
++ @408 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ + KIPCST5.2
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~ + @409 DO ~SetGlobal("P#Shevarash", "GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT
SAY @410
++ @411 + KIPCST5.3
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(3) Global("P#DeherianaDead","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",0) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",3)~ + @412 + KIPCST5.4
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",1)Global("P#DeherianaLives","GLOBAL",2)~ + @413 + KIPCST5.5
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + @414 + KIPCST5.6
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ~+ @415 + KIPCST5.7
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~+ @415 + KIPCST5.8
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1, ELF)~+ @416 + KIPCST5.9
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !Race(Player1, ELF)~+ @416 + KIPCST5.10
SAY @442
++ @443 + KIPCST5.19
+ ~GlobalLT("AerieRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("JaheiraRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("ViconiaRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20
+~GlobalGT("AerieRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1)~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20A
+~GlobalGT("JaheiraRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20J
+~GlobalGT("ViconiaRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20V
++ @445 + KIPCST5.21
++ @446 + KIPCST5.22
++ @447 + KIPCST5.23
SAY @442
++ @443 + KIPCST5.19
+ ~GlobalLT("AerieRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("JaheiraRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("ViconiaRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20
+~GlobalGT("AerieRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1)~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20A
+~GlobalGT("JaheiraRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20J
+~GlobalGT("ViconiaRomanceActive", "GLOBAL",1) ~ + @444 + KIPCST5.20V
++ @445 + KIPCST5.21
++ @446 + KIPCST5.22
++ @447 + KIPCST5.23
I/Tazok's Heart Cycle///F ~~ KIPCST7.12
SAY @576
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + @577 + KIPCST7.13
++ @578 + KIPCST7.5
++ @579 + KIPCST7.14
+ ~!Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL) !Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + @580 + KIPCST7.15
+ ~Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @546 + KIPCST7.5
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @547 + KIPCST7.5
IF ~~ KIPCST7.13
SAY @581
++ @582 + KIPCST7.14
+ ~!Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL) !Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + @580 + KIPCST7.15
+ ~Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @546 + KIPCST7.5
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @547 + KIPCST7.5
SAY @576
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + @577 + KIPCST7.13
++ @578 + KIPCST7.5
++ @579 + KIPCST7.14
+ ~!Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL) !Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + @580 + KIPCST7.15
+ ~Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @546 + KIPCST7.5
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @547 + KIPCST7.5
IF ~~ KIPCST7.13
SAY @581
++ @582 + KIPCST7.14
+ ~!Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL) !Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + @580 + KIPCST7.15
+ ~Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @546 + KIPCST7.5
+ ~!Race(Player1,ELF)~+ @547 + KIPCST7.5
SAY @621
++ @622 + KIPCST8.11
++ @623 + KIPCST8.12
+ ~OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + @624 + KIPCST8.13
+ ~!Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + @625 + KIPCST8.14
++ @626 + KIPCST8.15
++ @627 + KIPCST8.16
SAY @621
++ @622 + KIPCST8.11
++ @623 + KIPCST8.12
+ ~OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + @624 + KIPCST8.13
+ ~!Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + @625 + KIPCST8.14
++ @626 + KIPCST8.15
++ @627 + KIPCST8.16
@621 = ~Some cry, others laugh or do fey things to cope. But why? Has it ever helped anyone?~
[ ・_ゝ・]旦
[ ・_ゝ・]旦
Has it ever helped anyone?
没仔细看,原来当时是72岁。It happened long ago. I had barely turned seventy-two when I asked my father, Echtellion, to cut and bend my first man's bow to replace the boy's curved hunting bow I had. Despite my youth, I was quickly gaining in strength and it looked like I would not grow much taller. My fingers were nimbler before Tazok's men broke them, and due to that my aim was truer even than now. So my father agreed.~